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(17) <br />At A Meeting of ye Select Men of Lexington October: 28: <br />1717: Cap William Reed Sent his Bill for Serving <br />ye Town at ye Generall Court: in:e Session begin- <br />ing ye twenty ninth day of LTay Inst past; and ended <br />the twenty second day of June next following; the <br />Select Men ordered ye Clerk to pass an order to ye <br />Treasurer of sd Town for ye paying of sd Reed 11 4- <br />8 - d0 ye Bill Contained 22 days besides ye Sabbath; <br />Likewise; Then ordered they ye Clerk to .give out a War- <br />. rant to ye Constable of sd Town to warn .Amos Mor- <br />rell of Boston to depart out of sd Town <br />Likewise ye Select men agreed with Toseph Loring to <br />ring ye bell, once in ye forenoon & once in ye <br />afternoon, seasonably on every Sabbath day from <br />pe Sixt day of october currant untill ye full <br />Terme of Six Months be Expired; and at ye end <br />of sd Six Months; sd Loring shall for sd service <br />have fifteen shillings out of ye Treasury of sd <br />Town.. also Sd Loring is to prop. up ye turret <br />and be paid therefor; by ye Town <br />Navber: 1: 1717: Then an Order .vias passed upon ye <br />Treasurer for ye paying of Capn Reed ib 4-sh8- <br />dO;; pursuant to ye order of ye Select men, <br />Octo: 28: 1717: <br />At a meeting of ye Select men of Lexington Novbr: 11: <br />1717: Then they ordered ye Clerk ;to Send out <br />Warrants; for ye calling ye Town together on ye <br />25 of Sd Novernbr to Consider of sum method; by <br />way of answering; Capn.Reeds sumoning ye Town <br />to appear at ye Inferiour Court of Cion pleas <br />to be holden at charlstown on ye 2 Tuesday of <br />December next; for ye non payment of 12-04-00 <br />which sd Reed Demanded for-Serveing ye Town as a <br />representative Anno: 1716; also ye Select men <br />allowed him but 11 pound; which was ye full of <br />his bill <br />Likewise; of regranting of money for ye defraying ye <br />Towns charges for the present year: and also of <br />allowing an annuall Salary for ye Constables; <br />for their Service <br />Likewise ye Town Treasurer being present they ordered <br />him to pay Sergent Gorge.MunRoe for al hour glass <br />for ye School; 0-1-6 <br />At a Meeting of ye Inhabitants of ye Town of Lexingkon <br />orderly Convened on ye 25 of November: 1717: <br />Then Voted <br />I:That ye Town Should pay Captn Reed 12: Shillings <br />for wheat he had been already out; & pay ye <br />Sheriff for Serveing ye Sumons & Writt, Sd Reed <br />to take up Consented with ye 11 pound before <br />granted; & ye ease depending to drop <br />2 That 20 pound granted for ye defraying of ye <br />Towns charges; for this year to be added to ye <br />other 30 pound granted by sd Town, on May 31: <br />1717 Which amounts to ye Sum of 50 pounds; To <br />be made into a rate; & pa into ye Treasury of <br />Sd Town by ye Last of january next Ensuing: <br />3 That ye Constables Shall have twenty Shillings: <br />Annualy allowed thea for their Serving ye Town; <br />from ye time ye We became a Town; hence forward <br />and forever; <br />