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24 25 <br /> Amount brought forward, $ 119 .97 <br /> Paid S. C. Whitcher, for services 26 evenings and SUPERINTENDENT OF TOWN HALL. <br /> 3 days, 35 00 Paid Oliver W. Kendall, for taking care of and opening <br /> For time and expense before the County Town Hall, $ 52 25 <br /> Commissioners, 2 00 37 00 CONSTABLES AND POLICE OFFICERS. <br /> Paid Oliver W. Kendall, for services as Constable, as follows: <br /> R. W. Reed, for services 26 evenings and 24 days, 34 00 For taking man to lock-up, 1 00 <br /> For notifyiug 10 town officers to take oath of <br /> $190 97 office, 2 00 <br /> For taking Julia Gallagher to lock-tip, 1 00 <br /> ASSESSORS. For police duty July 4th, day and night, 5 00 <br /> ; <br /> Paid Isaac N. Damon,for services 46 days $5, $230 00 For notifying owners of dogs, 10 00For killing dog on Hastings farm, 1 00 <br /> For 3 days' service of son with horse, 6 00 <br /> For police duty during the muster week, 10 00 <br /> For blank book, Og <br /> For horse to take prisoner to lockup, 1 00 <br /> A. B. IVlorss, for printing, 1 25 237 33 For notifying selectmen and town clerk to <br /> j <br /> draw jurors 3 times, 3 00 <br /> Joseph F. Simonds, for services 50 days For notifying town for 3 town meetings and <br /> $4, 200 00 attending the same, 36 00 <br /> Copying valuation of the town twice, 25 00 70 00 <br /> For horse hire and express, 3 75 Horace B.Davis, for services as police officer, 30 00 <br /> 228 75 For cash paid for assistance, 4 50 <br /> 34 50 <br /> Eli Simonds, for services 34 days (a $4, 136 00 H. A. Wellington, for special service, 5 00 <br /> John P. Reed, for services 331 days (7a $4, . 134 00 AUDITORS. <br /> Nathan Fessenden, for services 37 days (a� $4, Paid Geo. 0. Davis, for services as auditor, 25 00 <br /> 148 00 William Plumer, 25 00 <br /> $884 08 50 00 <br /> SCHOOL COMMITTEE. <br /> Paid Jonas Gammell, for services 1869--70, 75 00 4 HAY SCALES. <br /> For services as Secretary,. 10 00 <br /> 85 00 Paid Fairbanks, Brown & Co.— <br /> For hay scales, 256 32 <br /> Charles Tidd, for services 1869-70, . 75 00 I For sealing same, 1 50 <br /> Thomas Mullen, for labor on same 6 days, 15 00 <br /> Edward G. Porter, for services 1869-70, 70 00 Timothy Buckley,labor on same 7 3-4 days, 15 50 <br /> For preparing Annual Report, 10 00 Dennis McNamarra,'� " 6 1-4 days, 20 31 <br /> 80 00 William Murphy, 5 3-4 days, 12 94 <br /> E. A. Mulliken, labor and stone for same, . 36 00 <br /> $240 00 357 57 <br /> TREASURER AND COLLECTOR. <br /> Paid Billings Smith, for services, . 300 00 RINGING BELLS. <br /> SEXTON. Paid John L. Holbrook, for ringing bell at the East <br /> Village, 44 62 <br /> Paid Oliver W. Kendall, for attending 36 funerals and re- Joseph Ham, do. do., . 3 79 <br /> turning 40 deaths, 40 00 10 48 41 <br /> 4 <br />