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24- 25 <br /> O cO o O o c0 d+ GV w •a+to W tD eD CD . <br /> and sasem ~ wv VYV .iw <br /> wv , <br /> •sjaq <br /> -maul Jun-IOU a� tl clJ 0V _! 00 C7 <br /> J 02UJU alle o M M 00 00 00 00 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. <br /> ;o aselua0 aaa <br /> zeal to cJ, cc, 00 aq M to ti cm <br /> aal a a$ecan el+ 0p S}+ O 00 00 0 <br /> �-q 0v co aV <br /> m MIDDLEAEx 88. c <br /> 'TAzal PE + M a, t- A At the Superior Court, begun and holden at Lowell,within and for the <br /> •sane GV ca ti t- r 1 0V 0 00 SN cYa_ t` <br /> panne asezanV �, d, �, aq C9 Cq Gq � County of Middlesex, on the second Monday of March, being the eleventh <br /> GO day of said month, Anno Domini, 1872— <br /> meal Py o� ce e� <br /> none <br /> w -+ , i rn co to eI1 O <br /> Panne 029JOAV �+, .�, The following document is presented to the Court for approval and ae- <br /> ceptance, to wit <br /> auBsi `D + a'- r' m ( At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Lexington, qualified by law to <br /> -panne 92UJOAV C4 � ° �w � ;4 G11 C4 GN � A vote in town affairs,held on Monday; March 4th inst.,the following votes <br /> W o were passed: <br /> H •Waal P£ e� cfl ti LO rn e0 r• 1n rn <br /> =�Iogas3o'ox Cq "n � ,0 M c, c, c al m Voted to adopt a new Code of By-Laws relative to Truants and Ab- <br /> sentees from school, as follows:- <br /> 0 <br /> '.al P5 d' Cq a 0 00 ko m W c� 00 00'I sxelogag ro ox �n �r co c, Gq w m o SECTION 1. The town of Lexington hereby adopts the provisions of the <br /> forty-second chapter of the General Statutes of this 'Commonwealth so far <br /> a <mxal lsi Cq ,o iO ,4 CO .� X0 1-4 0 A � as applicable to truant children and absentees from school, and all the <br /> 's1glogoS3o'ots� "' " �" '' "' C4 C Nm *' provisions of the two hundred and seventh chapter of the Acts of 1862, <br /> entitled 11 <br /> An Act concerning Truant children and Absentees from <br /> s school," and the several Acts in addition to, or in amendment thereof. <br /> [-� `" SECT. 2. Any minor convicted of being an habitual truant, or any, <br /> o :o 0 child convicted of wandering about in the streets or public places of the <br /> I town of Lexington, having no lawful occupation or business, not attending <br /> y c a A a $ :a 0 _ i school and growing up in ignorance, between the ages of seven and six- <br /> 0 oH �. :m m teen years, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, to be <br /> x 0 $1 i 4 paid for the use of the town, and in case of default in the payment of said <br /> as ' W a' �' 0 fine, or instead of such fine, may be committed to the <<House for the In- <br /> m c W W struction, Employment, and Reformation of Juvenile Offenders" in the <br /> p W iz : R W �, W W Al W U + m City of Lowell in this Commonwealth, for such time, not exceeding two <br /> years, as the Court or Magistrate having jurisdiction shall determine. <br /> a SECT. 3. The " House for the Instruction, Employment, and Reforma- <br /> A tion of Juvenile Offenders," in the City of Lowell, is hereby provided and. <br /> e a : assigned as a suitable place for the commitment of the persons convicted <br /> o a - : : of either of the offences mentioned in Sec. 2; and the Selectmen are <br /> 0 a z hereby directed to make all-arrangements or contracts with said City of <br /> Lowell necessary to carry out the provisions, and for the enforcement of <br /> 4 o 0 0 z a F these By-Laws. The keeper of said house shall have the custody of such <br /> "a persons as are committed there from this town, and shall instruct and em- <br /> ploy them in a manner most effectual for their permanent reformation. <br /> ,i <br /> ,ti <br />