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6 � <br /> As one or two brief suspensions of the regular sessions have <br /> THE HOWARD SCHOOL. occurred during the year, the cause of which might not other- <br /> wise be understood, we will add that it is within the personal <br /> Teacher,—Miss CLARA E. BACON, (re-appointed March, 1868.) knowledge of one of us that the teacher's presence was required <br /> This school has completed its three terms under the young „N at the Superior Court in Boston, to which she was called to tes- <br /> lady who was teaching it so successfully at the close of the year tify concerning an accident she had chanced to witness. <br /> 1867-8. The school-room has, at times, been crowded with <br /> more than its proper complement of pupils, and the task of the <br /> teacher has become more difficult with the increase; but we are THE HANCOCK PRIMARY SCHOOL. <br /> sure it has been thoroughly and faithfully performed. The Teacher,—Miss EMMA J. SPAULDING, (re-appointed March, 1868.) <br /> school is in excellent condition, and the good work accomplished <br /> by it continues, happily, to be appreciated by the parents and This school has now been under the instruction and care of <br /> friends of the pupils. ' the same teacher for two years. The pupils who have gone <br /> The attendance, at certain periods of, the year, has been very from it to the Grammar School during this time have been <br /> irregular. We beseech those who have charge of children at generally well grounded in the essentials of an elementary prep- <br /> their homes, not to deprive them of the good instruction here aration,—showing accuracy and painstaking on the part of the <br /> offered, unless for the most cogent reasons. teacher. The moral influences exerted upon the school, also, <br /> have deserved commendation. But upon one point we must <br /> qualify our approval. It is never too early to make the pupils <br /> THE HANCOCK SUB-PRIMARY SCHOOL. in a primary school sprightly and orderly whenever they are <br /> Teacher,—Miss MARY F. SMITH, (re-appointed March, 1868.) upon the floor, whatever may be their short-comings when under <br /> orders to sit quietly in their seats. In respect to this important <br /> This school has,, in our opinion, been managed and instructed part of the work to be expected of a teacher, we must admit <br /> with more than the usual skill and success throughout the year, that the condition of this school has caused us some disappoint- <br /> We believe the little children who have attended it, have come ment. <br /> from their homes in a more uniformly tidy condition than for- <br /> merly. In fact, we have heard of no complaints on this subject <br /> recently. Pupils have been advanced to the next higher school THE HANCOCK GRAMMAR SCHOOL. <br /> when their acquirements seemed to warrant it., instead of being Teachers,—Mr. OTis L. BONrrEY, (re-appointed March, 1868;) Mr. <br /> required to wait till the end of the year. Those who have been ELISHA H. TowLm, <br /> put into the Primary School have gone well prepared, while - <br /> those who remained have made fine progress. Mr. Bonney worked faithfully for this school,retaining charge <br /> We suggest that parents who do not wish their children to of it, however, for only one term. We think he laid a good <br /> attend the school regularly, should not occasionally send them foundation for its subsequent prosperity. He resigned during <br /> for the mere purpose of being rid of the care they require at the Summer vacation, to accept an appointment elsewhere. The <br /> home. If, however, a real advantage accrues to a child from Committee thereupon appointed. Mr. Tower to the vacant place, <br /> attending a part of the year, in any particular case, future com- a majority of the board having carefully examined him on a pre- <br /> 3 'a large vious occasion. The school has become somewhat remarkable <br /> mittees will probably cherish no such desire, to report <br /> percentage of attendance as to wish to deprive any young mind for the zealous efforts and orderly conduct of its pupils. Their <br /> of the advantages this school will afford. progress in the several studies pursued has been very gratifying. <br />