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March 28, 2018 Adjourned Session of the 2018 Annual Town Meeting <br /> March 28, 2018 Adjourned Session of 2018 Annual Town Meeting <br /> Moderator Deborah Brown called the second session of 2018 Annual Town Meeting to order at <br /> 7:33 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, 2018, at the Margery Milne Battin Hall in the Cary Memorial <br /> Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, a quorum in excess of 100 members was present. <br /> 7:33 p.m. The Moderator made brief announcements and paused to recognize the 95th birthday of <br /> long-standing Town Meeting member, Dan Fenn. Mr. Fenn delivered brief comments eliciting the <br /> applause of members. The Moderator continued announcements, welcomed visitors and conducted <br /> testing of the electronic voting devices. <br /> 7:40 p.m. The Moderator called for a recess to recognized Jeanne Canale, President of the Town <br /> Meeting Members Association; Ms. Canale delivered certificates of recognition to members Marsha <br /> Baker and Frank Sandy for their 30 and 50 years of service respectively. <br /> 7:48 p.m. The Moderator declared Town Meeting back in order and open under Article 2. <br /> ARTICLE 2: REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES <br /> MOTION: That the Report of the Planning Board be received and placed on file. <br /> 7:49 p.m. Richard Canale, Chair, Planning Board, moved that the Report of the Planning Board be <br /> received and placed on file. Unanimously Adopted. <br /> 7:49 p.m. Mr. Canale delivered the Planning Board's Report, briefly reviewing the Zoning and <br /> General Bylaws to be discussed. He gave an update on the progress of work on the Town's <br /> Comprehensive Plan, noting the formation of a 13-member committee; he commented on opportunities <br /> for citizen input. Mr. Canale reported support of the Planning Board for Article 38. <br /> 7:56 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 38. <br /> 7:56 p.m. Presented by Mr. Hank Manz, Pct. 9. <br /> ARTICLE 38:AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP -MARRETT ROAD COMMERCIAL <br /> DISTRICT (CITIZEN ARTICLE) <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw and Map to allow additional uses and <br /> density in the commercial district along Marrett Road near Spring Street by creating a new <br /> zoning district replacing the existing CN and CS districts; or act in any other manner in relation <br /> thereto. <br /> DESCRIPTION: <br /> There are five parcels on CS side of Marrett Road. This article seeks to replace the existing CS <br /> commercial district along Marrett Road near Spring Street with a new district, CSX, which will expand <br /> the current uses to better reflect the needs of the community. By ensuring the properties have more <br /> uses to take advantage of, the article seeks to create a sense of space that can help re-energize this <br /> important commercial area. <br /> Rezone lots 78, 79, 80, 81, and 82 on assessor's map 33 into the CSX District. <br /> MOTION: That the Zoning Bylaws and the Zoning Map of the Town be amended as follows: <br /> A. Add anew row to the table in § 135-2.2.3 of the Town's Zoning Bylaw as follows: <br /> CSX Commercial Service Expanded <br /> B. Modify Table 1 to the Town's Zoning Bylaw, Permitted Uses and Development Standards, <br /> by (1) modifying the "Permitted Uses" descriptions as shown below; and (2) adding a new <br /> column "CSX" as shown below: <br /> CSX <br /> A. RESIDENTIAL USES <br /> A.1.0 PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL USES <br /> A.1.01 One-family dwelling N <br /> A.1.02 Two-family dwelling N <br /> A.1.03 Dwelling unit above street floor level in a commercial or institutional N <br /> building — <br /> A.1.04 Congregate living facility N <br /> A.1.05 Balanced housing development,public benefit development,site sensitive N <br /> development — <br />