HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-31 H1sTOxIC LISTRICTS colrr,ISSIUr
A meeting of the Historic llistricts Commission was held at 8:00 P,Di,
on viednesday, August 31, 1983, in the Selectmen's I~ieeting Roam, 'Town Uffice
3ui13ing, Lexington. Present were Commissioners John L. Davies, Chairman;
S, Lawronce Whipple, Secretary; John flyan; Ann Wallace; and Associate
Commissioners step~azn'B. Cripps and Aiolly N'ye.
At 8:00 P.I~1. Ms. Virginia Orcutt appeared to request approval of
architectural changes to the house at 531 Massachusetts Avenue. She sub-
mitted drawings showing that the roof of the rear wing of the house will
be reconstructed. with a shed. roof sloping down from the existing eave line.
The siding on this new portion will be shingles to match existing, and the
roof over the back door will be altered. '1'he new roof will be asphalt
shingles to match the existing rear roof, and paint colors an the new walls
will be in accordance with a previously issued certificate. It watt VUTLL
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1iV CY1l1J1 V~v Ci l.li li;q VV~.t•
At 8:15 Y,i~;. Atr. Johr_ Luffy appeared on behalf of Lexington square
`rrvst at 2666 Aassachusetts Avenue wi±h respect to a change in driveway
construction, a proposed rear fence, a proposed signage system, and certain
specifically proposed signs: He explained that there were no architectural
changes to the building being proposed at that time.
'Phe driveway construction was proposed to be 8" x 5" x 5" idew Hampshire
granite blocks laid in stone dust on a gravel base. This stone pavement
will be about t8 feet wide and extend rearward to the 10 foot buffer zone.
The block will be laid in a transverse running bond, similar to a photograph
shown. It was VUT~`D to approve this construction.
The fencing was proposed to be a 5 foot high open vertical board fence
with pyramidal finials, as manufactured by Walpole 'iJoodworkers, extending
across the southerly property line from the southwesterly corner to the
corner of the easement to Vine Brook Road.
There was extensive discussion as to the extent, height, and opacity
of the fence as well as to the planting that had been offered as a screen
to supplement the fence. Airs. Arn Higgins of 22 Vine Brook Road and A.r.
Airs, Kevin A'.cGuire of 16 Vire Brook Road spoke in favor of extending the
~ fence the full width of the property, making ii higher, and making it of
opaque coz~struc~iori. They also favored more planting. `T'hey expressed ;:on--
' carp about possible parking on Vine Brook Road and foot traffic using the
easement to reach the proposed iutnam gantry store within the project.
I~r.,. Laura. Nichols of the Lexington l.anning Board expressed a preference
for 8 foot hemlocks 10 feet on center.
Air. Ryan and Air. Davies asked if the applicant could accept a 6 foot
opaque fence, and A`:r, Luffy replied that he could. I~ir. r~ichard. Spaulding
explained that the applicant did not want to close off the easement property
with a fence, since they wanted it visible for aesthetic reasons and for
ease o:f ma.intenance.
s •
Historic Districts Commission - 2 -
Two alternative votes were proposed by the chairman, each for a 6 ft.
high opaque vertical board fsnce with posts and pyramidal finials, as
manufactured by '~lalpole `r(oodworking, supplemented by a minimum of Z2 dense
evergreens not less that 6 ft. high, with the following differences:
1, Fence full. length of the southerly property line, cutting
off access to the easement property: i~ir, Ryan. and I+;rs, ivye
in favor, the other commissioners against.
tierce across the southerly property line up to the corner
of the easement property, thence turning south for about
20 ft., with a similar 2G rt. partiar. of fence on ±he
easterly side of the easement property. This design was
VOTLH with t~~r. L'avies, r?r. 'rThipgle, C~irs. Wallace, and I~ir.
i:riNNs y.. fa~ar and I°r. Ryan and l~~rs, Nye against.
t,r. huffy then introduced a sign system developed for the project,
which showed that all tenant signs will be at first floor level, an the
prepared sign board which is an integral part of the building. `They will
be a uniform 22 5~8" high, with carved letters finished in gold Leaf, a
gold leaf bevel, and ore of several background colors chosen from the
Benjamin Nioore "Historical Color Collection". It xas VOTi:D to approve the
sign system, In addition there will be a building identification sign,
with raised gold leaf letters against the brick surface, with a logo, arld
a directory sign under the entrance soffit. '!'he directory sign will be in
the same color scheme as the tenant signs, with up to about 12, panela each
9" x 2", It was VOi'IJD to approve the building identification sign and the
directory sign.
rnur tenant signs were next presented. Consideration of the sign for
"Gizmos" was deferred, but it was VOTED to approve a sign for "r'otpaurri
Designs", 15 ft, long with background in Benjamin h?oore ~45T61, for
"ATeena's'; 15 ft, long with black background, and fox the "t3radley Clark
Gallery", 7 ft, long with background in Hamilton Blue.
At 9:50 P.I. P'is. 3onnie Carlton, Per, i~obert Germain, and PPr. Lawrence
iaplan appeared on behalf of the New .angland Telephone and Telegraph Com-
i pwr.}~ wi+h respect to a proposed addition to their building at 73 Waltham
The proposed screened mechanical equipment on the roof o.f the addition
I was discussed, and it was explained that the existing enclosure on thy: roof
of the existing building is full, It was noted that the second stury part
of the addition contains a new enclosed exit stair, so that the existing
exposed fire escape can be removed, It was noted also that all existing
on-site parking will be eliminated, as had been requested by the Baard of
i!r. Gubisch as'.{ed why a temporary building cannot be used to house the
new type digital equipment during the change-aver from relays to digital
equipment, and was ±.old that such a tem~x~rary change over cannot be done.
It way 'dOT~ii to approve the request as presented.
historic liistriets Commission - 3 -
At iQ:iS Y.I1. I•ir. David I.oiriis, I;r. Brian Lixor., I`r. Donald Jerkins,
hir. Harold Atiillican, and Iwlr. Benjamin Nickerson appeared on behalf of The
r'irst Baptist Church at 1530 l~iassachusetts Avenue with respect to exterior
architectural changes to the building, the erection of a fence, and the
constructior. of a driveway and parking area to the easterly side of the
i'ollowirg a brief presentation by the applicant, there was extensive
discussion of the proposal. Capt. Lima of the Lexington Folice Department
spoke to the efFect that the use of the existing driveway at the westerly
boundary of the church pro[rerty would produce a traffic hazard as compared.
with t::c prcposcd driveway at thy: easterly side. ^i^hE qucstioy~ of land-
scaping arose, and the applicant expressed willingness to cooperate with
yr. and I~~rs. h,orrall on tha± issue.
Dirs. Laura i~ichols of the Lexington Manning Board read a letter
critical of the design but not the purpose of the project, and asked that
her letter be made a part of the meeting minutes. A copy of the letter is
appended hereto.
firs. Aiargaret itawls expressed concern about the accuracy of the pro-
posed grading plan and introduced a drawing which showed her interpreta-
tion of a profile line along the easterly wall of the church, based on the
submitted clan.
P~`ir. Davies expressed the view of some of the Commissioners that the
handicapped. person's accessibility issue and the parking issue shauld be
considered se~aarately. Pir. Dixon asked what parking had to de with the
Historic Districts Commission, and hlr. Davies responded that the Commis-
sion's concern was with the amount of paving in what had been part of
Lexington's green space.
Nr. Jenkins read a statement outlining the amount of parking at other
church properties in Lexington and its proximity to neighbors and the
degree of screening provided.
Dr. Jerzy Wacks spoke against the proposal, and hIr. ;inland Gubisch
I' expressed the opinion that it was difficult to visualize the final result.
Lr. i~oiraii sup.~eaLed ti:a,i ti:c un-grace cciauei might be used for sezvices
for the handicapped and elderly, and I•:r. Dixon said he did not wish to
segregate these people from the rest of the congregation.
The question of alternate paving materials arose, with Dr. Wa.cks ask-
ing if there were a choice other than asphalt. I~Ir. Dickerson replied that
other materials had been considered, but only asphalt provided the smooth
s°arface r_ecessary for wheelchairs and for those persons who are unsteady
on their feet.
historic .Districts Commission - 4 -
There was further discussion of the grading, and i•1r, Jenkins intro-
duced a more detailed plan indicating existing and proposed spot eleva-
tions. 'l his plan indicated that, if the new entrance door were placed as
proposed an the easterly wall of the church, it would be necessary to
build a ramp from the high point of the proposed driveway. The applicant
said that they might elect rat to build the new door, but to provide
access to the upper floor level through the existing door on the southerly
wall of the building. Air. Davies suggested that, if voted, a certificate
could make the new door permissive rather than a required part of the
The applicant as sited that the names of persons sending letters to the
Commission be read and made a part of the record. Excluding the name of
Commissioner S, Lawrence Whipple, who had written to the Chair on the sub-
~~Ct, t4'ie TidmCS WeY'e:
John i~, iYiorrall, Ivi.D, - 1556 Massachusetts Avenue (against)
i~'iargaret Rawls - 9 'Winthrop Road (against)
Jerry & Aiargaret Wacks - 1 Winthrop ttoad (against}
Rabbi Cary D, Yales - Temple Isaiah (for)
F'elen L, Cohen, I~!inister - first iarish Church (for)
John 1 ,:',atterberg, iastor - Trinity Covenant Church (for)
:3abbi i3ichard Nieirowitz - Temple ~munah (for
Maryelene Dailey - 1 Bushnell Drive (owner of 1;20 I°iassachusetts
Avenue) (for)
Ctarley e:. Toye - 30 Balfour `street ( for)
%earleH iioreson - (for) 3 '~ynebrook 'v`illage
3ernice I~iulvey - 2027 Pflassachusetts Avenue (forj
i+;lizabeth Clyde - II Captain rarker Arms (for}
Virginia 'W, I•iessinger - 22~ Last Otreet (for)
Mary E, rage - 2027 Massachusetts Avenue (for)
Avis D, Gittzus - 46 Prospect Hill Road (for)
Robert C. Hilton - Director, Cary i~Iemorial Library (expressing
cooperation with church in other matters)
I:athryn Lenox - Director Children's venter of Lexington
(expressing the Children's Center's lack of involvement in
the project),
I~~r. .:nipple suggested that -the accessibility issue for the handicapped
and infirm could be met by a semicircular drive and drop-off point at the
front of the chapel, serving a ramp to the proposed second floor entrance.
'he other Jommission members were asked for comment. i+ir. !jyan said
he felt the proposal was a modest one, with minimal effect on the District
and he saw nothing objectionable to it. I~:r, Crip;ps said he was concerned
with damage to the trees and to the difficulty of disposing of plowed snow
with such a reduced side yard. ;''irs, Wallace expressed concern with the
relationship of the existing windows to the proposed grade line. P•:rs. liye
said she did not like the parking extending all the way to the street.
i •
Historic llistricts commission - 5 -
rir. navies asked i£ the Church could accept a plan without the four
parking places along the church wall, making the driveway narrower and the
planted side yard wider. I~r. Iiixon responded that they could not accept
such a plan.
hir. Whipple suggested that he was ready to vote. since the applicant
had offered no compromise plan. P%r. rioiriis stated that the plan proposed
i:= ±he plan the church wants and needs. Tt was agreed, however, that the
church representatives would. meet briefly to consider a possible comprv-
miw°. -2~E'r.^.:1SS.t.O:: W3S r''~"u'.Ct,Bd and t~'!2 meetln~,T waS r°C°SS°d fOr fl:'B mintltE'.^..
`ollowing the recess, the applicant expressed willingness to delete
the ane parking place nearest. the street, narrowing the driveway at that
?mint. '~lith this amendment, a vote was called for and the rrvject was
a v..,.,-, _ _
.~;JL Wi Ltl ~Ui{lII11. 'BlUl:Cl' ~VV ill jJ }ale a11U AaSVUldLC 1+U11Uf11 ~>'SlUtlet' Cl'l pps VU ~ltl~,
Bills were introduced, and it was VOT~:D to pay $35 to Beacon P~inute
i~'.anrublications and X75 to Barbara Gilson, The meeting was adjourned at
12:20 Y.A.
'1 ,
/ ~
S. Lawrence Whipple