HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-25 • i. - HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held on Wednesday, October 25. 297?, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toxn Office Building, Lexington.: 2'resent xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Chairman; Georgia H. 1~i11iams,.5ecretary; Roland B. Greeley; S. Laxrence Whipple; and Asso- ciate Co~nissioner John L. Davies. Mr. Davies xas appointed to sit for Commissioner Amelia G. Samoylenko rho xas unable to be present. A hearing xas held at 8:05 P.M. on the application of Constance Carol, Inc. for a Certificate with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 7 Meriam Street, xhich is xithin the Battle Green District. Mr. Packard read the legal notice and made reference to the application. Three copies. of a scale draxing of the proposed sign xere submitted. Mr. Francis Verre, the applicant, stated that the upper case letters would be 10" in height and the loxer case letters would be 6" in height and that the letters xould match the other letters on the building. The hearing xas adjourned at 8:15 P.M. It xas tsoved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Constance Carol, Inc. xith respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 7 Meriam Street, Which is xithin the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commission- ers John R. Packard,. Georgia H. Williams, Roland B. Greeley, S. Laxrence Whipple, and .Associate Commissioner John L. Davies. It xas moved, seconded, and VOTED to approve payment of three bills submitted as folloxs: Minute-Man Publications, Inc. ($7.00 and $3.50) and Clerk Barbara Gilson ($105.00 for hearings and clerical services). A;,hear3:ng xas held at 8:40 P.M. on the application of Roderic Bowen and Barbara Hoffman for a Certificate xith respect to change in color of the dwelling at 9I0-9i2 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is within the East Village District. Mr. Boren showed a sample of the Oxford light gray paint that they xish to use on the main body of the house and stated that the trim would be painted white. Mr. Boren then asked about installation of combination wlndoxs and was told that this xould require a published hearing. The hearing. was closed at 8:55 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and unanimousl VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Roderic Bowen and Ba~ara Hoffman xith respect to a change in color of the dwelling at 920-922 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is within the East Village District. Participating in this decision xere Commissioners John R. Packard, Georgia H. Williams, Roland B. Greeley, S. Lawrence Whipple, and Associate Commissioner John L. Davies. Then folloxed a discussion on combination windows and doors. Mr. Greeley asked if there was a policy regarding granting permission for the installation of combination xindows and Mr. Packard said that there was not. Mr. Greeley asked Mr. Whipple if he preferred wood to aluminum and Mr. Whipple said that he did but that he realized that there was a problem HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - 2 - October 25, 1977 because of the weight of wooden windows. Mr. Whipple asked how the others felt regarding combination doors and Mr. Greeley said that he would want to see an illustration of the proposed door as there was a great variation in combination doors. Mr. Davies stated that double track combination windows were no longer being made. Mr. Greeley said that he did not think that the Commission could .ask applicants not to have screens. The meeting was adjourned at 9s15 P.M. Geo is H. Williams Secretary I