HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-09 T • I HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMt~SSION A meeting of the Historio Districts Commission was held at 7t45 F.M. on Wednesday, May 9, 1973r ~ the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. .Jaquith, Chair- man; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shaw; Georgia H. Wi7.I.iams; and Associate Commissioners 5. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED that Mrs. Williams serve as Secretary Prc Tem. Mr. Daley was appointed to serve for Commissioner Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present in action involving the Cary Memorial Library and Mr. Whipple was appointed to serve for Commissioner Farsons in action involving the Lexington Mews Trust. There was discussion regarding the parking area for the Library and it was decided that the Chairman should write to the Chairman of the Library Trustees that another advertized hearing would. be required for the parking lot and request that he submit an application for said hearing. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED that a Certificate of Appropriateness be issued to the Trustees of Cary Memorial Library with re- sped to changes in the location of one vent and the addition of one hatch to the roof of the addition to the Library at 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. Mr. Jaquith read a draft of a Certificate of Appropriateness with re- spect to changes in the copper roofs and doors of the Muszey Street elevate tion, the middle section of the back roof of the building facing the park- ing lot elevation, and the instaU,ation of skylights and changes in the double doors of the parking lot elevation of The Lexington I~ws Trust building under construction at 10•-12 Muzzey Street, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia Ii. Williams, and Associate Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue this Certificate. Mr. Jaquith stated that four hearings have been scheduled for Wednes- day, May 16th as follower The First Baptist Church of 1580 Massachusetts Avenue, Laurence and Cecilia Kipp of 517 Massachusetts Avenue, Charles and Ann LaMantia of 3 Goodwin Road, and Mel-Nor Realty Trust of 1049 Massachu- setts Avenue. An informal meeting was held at 8x25 P. M. with Riohard Strauss, Presi- dent of Balston, Inc., of 703 Massachusetts Avenue which respect to change in the sign of Balston, Inc. H® explained the background of the business and stated that the color combination that Balsbn, Inc. uses is blue on a white background with the logo in black. He stated t1~at he had not discussed the sign with Robert Tillinghast prior to the hearing on the sign. Several suggestions were made. Mr. Jaquith stated that Mr. Strauss could apply for a Certificate or that he could wait until the renovations on the entire building have been completed and the problem of the current illegal signs has been resolved. Mr. Strauss agreed that he would like to have the work ! • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMt~SSION - 2 May 9, 1973 completed. He stated that he has an option as of December 3i, 1973 to take over the rear part of the building and that he probably wi].1. exercise the option and that he would not want a sign on the friezeboard. In answer to a question by Mr. Jaquith, Mr. Strauss stated that he would not want to change the size of the sign but that he would like to use the corporate col- ors as they plan to use this location as their corporate offices. The meeting was adjourned at 9t10 P.M. Mr. Jaquith stated that five applications have been received. Hear- ings were scheduled on June 6th for The Follen Church Society for vinyl siding and aluminum cornerboards and Dr. & Mrs. Manickas of 803 Massaohu- setts Avenue for an addition to the building. Hearings were scheduled for June 20th on the applications of Donald and Nancy Forg for 4" vinyl siding for the houses at 1894 and 1900 Massachusetts Avenue and 30 Hancock Street Trust for color change and addition to the dwelling at 30 Hancock Street. Mr. Jaquith subnti.tted a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for April 1973 for $60.13 ($.75 for postage, $8.75 for hearings, and $50.63 for cleri- cal services. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to approve pay- ment of this bill. Then followed considerable discussion regarding the replacement of a white concrete block arlsk~e!es1 by the Bartolott3.s at 1132 Massachusetts Ave- nue with stone. Mr. Jaquith said that he had told Mr. Bartolotti to proms coed with the installation at his own risk as he was in violation without a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission. Mr. Daley moved and Mr. Graves seconded a motion that the Chairman send Mr. Ba.rtolotti a letter immediately notifying him to stop further stone work on the premises at 1132 Massachusetts Avenue and to file an application with the Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness covering the installation of replacement for the cinder concrete brick which has been removed. Unanimously VOTED. Mr. Shaw moved that a letter be drafted and sent to all owners of prop- arty in the several Historic Districts within the Town of Lexington advising them that their property is within a Historic District and that a Certifi- cafe of Appropriateness must be secured from the Commission for exterior changes, signs, fences, etc. Mr. Shaw recommended that copies of said let- ter be placed in all real estate offioes in Town. Mr. Daley seconded the motion and recommendation and they were unanimously VOTED, The meeting was adjourned at 1Ot20 P. M. 1~-- ~ / fL.C~Gc~~ eorgi~H. Williams Secretary Pro Tem