HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-02 ,r • • HISTORIC DISTkICTS COMN1233ION A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7,45 P.M. on Wednesday, May 2, 1973, in the 9eleetmen•s Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Present ware Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chair- man; George E. Gravest Donald J. Shaw; Georgia FI. Williams; and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. Mr. Daley was appointed to serve for Com- missioner Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present. Mr. Shaw moved and Mr. Graves seconded the motion that Mrs. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem. So VOTED. Prior to the meeting, the above mentioned members of the Commission and Associate Commissioner S. Latarenee Whipple met at Cary Memorial Library with Robert Hilton. Librarian, and A1.bert.Anderson, Architect. Mr. Hilton stated that the house at 12 Clarice Street would be demolished after the work was completed. It is proposed to enlarge the parking lot to a width large enough to hold thr®e rows of cars and to ..eliminate the driveway off Massachusetts Avenue which would be grassed over. All service vehicles and parking would enter from Clarke Street. The concrete wall at the side end of the property would be retained to prevent use of the parking area as a throughway to the private parking areas off Muzzey Street. Mr. Shaw sug- Bested that this concrete wall be extended or that the single rail fence be heightened to prevent oars using that area as a throughway. Mr. Hilton pointed out damage to the chain link fence from cars.. Mr. Anderson said that they need to move one vent and add one hatch to the roof. It was de- termined that the two changes in the roof would not be visible from street level. In addition to those two changes the location of cables for lights ing fixtures and the ramp will be changed and also the parking lot will be increased in size. The last three items will require a hearing before the Commission. The members of the Commission then went over to view the Lexington Mews Trust building under construction at 1012 Muzzey Street. A hearing adjourned from April 25, 1973 was bald at 8,00 1'.M. with ~ Elizabeth Flemings of Books on the Green, Inc.. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and the letter of application from Ernest A. Girowc on behalf of the applicant. The aign is to match in size and design of letters those now erected on the Central Block and is to read "BOOKS on the GREEN". Mrs. Flemings stated that their attorney had agreed that the word "inc." could be omitted. The hearing was closed at 8,05 P.M. A hearing adjourned from April 25, 1973 was held at 8,05 P.M. with Gardner Ertman. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and application for the sign for the office at 8 Wallis Court. Mr. Ertman stated that he had met with the Building Inspector who felt that they would need Board of Appeals approval to hang the sign so the sign will be attached flush to the build- ing which will eliminate the need for brackets. Mr. Ertman resubmitted the same scale drawings submitted at the hearing on April 25, 1973. He said that there would be approximately if 2" between the sign and the building. The sign would have bevelled edges and would be centered vertically on the right side of the door. The hearing was closed at 8,10 P.M. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMLSSION ~ 2 May 2, 1973 It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Books on the Green, Inc. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at 7A 2~ariam Styeet, which is within the Battle Green District. Partiaipating in this decision were Commis- sinners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. A hearing was held at 8125 P.M. on the application of Richard E. and Cornelia C. Johnson for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in color for the dwelling at 955 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr. Jaquith read the letter requesting the hearing and then explained the use of color as it applied to the His- toric Districts Commission Act. He stated that the house irn?olved is one of the four most important historic buildings in the East Village and there- fore would receive more attention than a house which was not of such his- toric value. Mr. Johnson submitted samples of the colors they wiekt to ue. Mr. Jaquith said that what concerns him is that this color may wash out and become a nondescript color as t1~at shade of color tended to wash out. Mr. Johnson said that he had chosen that particular brand of paint as he feels that the color will not wash out. Mr. Daley asked Mr. Johnson if he does not like pure white and Mr. Johnson said that he does not like pure white as he feels it is cold and that there are millions of pure white houses and he feels that this color would give more life to the house. Mr. Johnson stated that there are bl3.nds on the front of the house only. The hearing was adjourned at 8140 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Richard E. and Cornelia C. Johnson with respect to change in color of the dwelling and blinds of the dwelling at 955 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H• Wii~inma, and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. An informal meeting was held with Dr. A. P. Manickas regarding an ads dition to the rear of the building at 801-803 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Dr. Manickas submitted sketches of the proposed addition and a hearing was scheduled for June 6th. An adjourned hearing was held at 915 P.M. with Amelia G. Samoylenko, Trustee of The Lexington Mews Trust, and Herbert Eisenberg, Architect, who submitted three sets of scale drawings of proposed changes. Considerable discussion occurred with respect to the roof of the Cinema section of the building and Mrs. Samoylenko said that the cinema operator was very insis- tent that there be a marquee and that the sign would be a dark blue alums- num backboard with gold leaf letters with exterior lighting. Mr. Daley said that he did not feel the proportions would work well if use a balus~ trade to cap this roof. Mrs. Samoylenko said that they cannot hang a sign with a gable roof.. Mr. Eisenberg said that the gutter could be moved. Mr. Daley said that this would not be an ideal solution but would be better to have a gable roof and that he is concerned with the integrity of the roof line. He said that raising the Lexington Mews Cinema. sign would improve r • HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ~ 3 May 2~ 1973 and unify the friezeboard. Mrs. Samoylenko said that she is proposing in- tegrating the sign without a pitch roof or balustrade and Mr. Daley said that she is proposing having the sign become a balustrade. Mr. Jaquith asked if it was possible to build the sign into the roof and bring the roof out over the sign and Mr. Eisenberg said that he feels t1~at it is a height problem. ?irs. Williams asked if it was not possible to have a pitched roof and Mr. Jagvl.th said that the sign would have to go on the roof like the rear sign of Michelson`s sign. Mr. Graves said that he would prefer a pitched roof with a sign similar to Michelson's to a balustrade and both Mr. Shaw and Mr. Daley agreed with Mr. Graves. Mr. Eisenberg said that he does not like the Michelson sign and Mrs. Samoylenko said that she dislikes the sign. Mr. Daley said that the sign could be improved upon and that he believes the roof is the single most important consideration. Mr. Eisenberg agreed but said that the sign was a problem. Mr. Shaw suggested a pitched roof with a sign above the door. Mr. Eisenberg said that the vents were the same or moved in and it was stated that the skylights had been discussed previously. The hearing was adjourned at 1040 P.M. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Frederic L. Day, Jr. and Gardner Ertman d/b/a Day & Ertman with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the office at 8 Wallis Court, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this ~acision w®re Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith George E. Graves Denald J. haw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner Royston T. Daley. Mr. Jaquith stated that he had received an application from The Follen Church Society for covering the old part of the Church with vinyl siding. The meeting was adjourned at 1115$ P.M. ,.Bo / ~ /~lC~-tom s Geor~a H. Williams Secretary Pro Tem