A meeting of the Historic Districts Commission was held at 7;45 P.M.
on Thursday, Marsh 29, 1973, in the 3eleataeen'"a Meeting Room, Town Office
Bailding, Lexington. Present were Co~faaioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chair-
man; George E. Graves; Donald J. Shawl Georgia H. Williams; and Associate
Commissioners S. Lawrence Whipple and Royston T. Daley. Mr, Whipple was
appointed to serve for Commissioner Philip B. Parsons xho was unable to be
present. Mr. Shaw moved and Mr. Graves seconded the motion that Georgia
H. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem. The motion was ao V07RD.
A hearing was held at 755 P.M. on the application of Ruth Berman et
als d/b/a Stierli-Berman Art Gallery for a Csrtificate of Appropriateness
with respect to the erection and display of a a3gn at 848 Massachusetts
Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Mr. Jaquith read the
legal notice and application. Mrs. Berman submitted three drawings and
photographs of the store front. She stated that the same wood signboard
would be used. Following discussion, Mr. Jaquith poled the members who
agreed to approve the wording but unanimously agreed that the sign would
have to be painted on the signboaxl rather than using plastic letters.
Mr. Jaquith stated that the Certificate would not be issued until after
new scale drawings were submitted which had been prepared by the person
doing the sign. The hearing was adjourned at 8135 P.K.
Mr. Jaquith stated that three applications had been received; one for
a sign at 8 Wallis Court, one for glass light in the center penal of each
main door of the First Baptist Church, and one for a sign for the store at
7A Meriam Street.
A hearing was held at 8;39 P.M. on the application of Eleanor M.
Asetta for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the creation
of a fenoe on the premises at 964 Massachusetts Aver?ue, which is within
the East Village District, Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice and appliW
cation. Three scale drawings of the plot plan showing location of the
proposed 180" fence and a brochure showing the desired 2 ar 3 rail fenoe
were submitted. The hearing was adjourned at 8ty0 P.M.
Mr. Jaquith stated that he had received telephone calls from Donald
Forg regarding the installation of vinyl aiding on the horses at 1894 and
1900 Massachusetts Avenue which are across from the Battle Green and from
an official of the Follen Church regarding the insta]lation of vinyl siding
on the old .part of the Church, He said that he had told both of them that ~
the Commission needs to learn more about the necessity and long range status
of vinyl siding before approving this for such areas. Mr. Daley said that
he feels the problem lies in the trim work (cornioes, ~ornerboards, window
casings door casings, eta,) and that the Commission could approve vinyl
aiding but require wood trim. He said that the 4" vinyl siding is good but
that the trim, etc. is not good in vinyl. Mr. Jaquith requested that the
members of the Commission consider this problem ao that they will have given
this thought before any applications for this are received for suoh areas.
HIS2~ORIC DIS^lEICTS COM!l1:3SION 2 March 29r 1973
A hearing was held at 9e00 P.M. on the application of Amelia G.
Saartrlyenko et ale, Trustees of The Lexington Mews Trust, for a Csrtifiaate
of Appropriateness with respect to extsriar arahiteotural ohangea and signs
for the building under construction at 10«12 Iiuasey Street, which is within
the Battle Green Diatri.at. Mr. Eisenberg submitted new scale drawings with
proposed doors for the front elevation and the tyro doors on the parking lot
elevation and the front bay windows without sloping roof. The signs will be
uniform so that the letters of the signs are the satins. They would like to
eliminate the mansard roof and have a flat roof because of coat. Mr. Daley
said that he feels this would be a great loss in the appearance of the bui].d«
ing. They propose to increase the skylights from two as approved in the
original Certificate to four in the gallery arms which was agreeable to the .
members of the Commission. IN'r. Shaw moved that the Commission apprevea the
elimination of the copper roofs for the bay windows of the Massey Street
elevation and reducing the projection of the bay windows by approximately
3" provided that Crown molding approxit~ttely 2 i/2" in height is insta3led
itmnediately above the windows, the change in the style of doors of said ele«
nation to three xood panels and nine lights of glass except the service doors.,
similar doors for the central portion of the parking lot elevation, the
raising of part of the bank portion of the parking lot pitched roof and the
installation of four rectangular prismatic type skylights i.n the bask roofs
of both the Hussey Street and parking lot seotions of the building. Motion
seconded by Mrs. Williams and unanimously YO'lED. The hearing was ad3ourned
at 1040 P.M.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously V07ED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to Robert 0. Tillinghast d/b/a H. Tillinghast - Real
Estate with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the store at
'?'03705 Masaachasett Avenue, which is within the East Village District.
Participating in this decision were Cotrmdsaioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George
E, Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner
3. Lawrence Whipple.
It was moved, seconded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to Walston, Inc, with respect to the erect3.on and disc
play of a sign on the easterly side elevation of the building at ')'03W705
Idassachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. Partici«
gating in this decision were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E.
Graves, Donald J. Shaw., Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Cott~n3.ssioner
S. Lawrence Whipple.
It was moved, seconded.., and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness to Eleanor M. Asetta with respeot to the erection of a
fence on the premises at 964 Massachusetts Avemxe, which is within the
East Village District. Participating in this decision were Commissioners
Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw, Georgia H. Williams,
and Associate Commissioner S. Lawrence Whipple.
It-was moved, seoonded, and unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate
of Appropriateness upon reoeipt of new soale drawings of the proposed sign
to Ruth Berman et sls d/b/a 3tierliyBerman Art Gallery w3.th respect to the
ereotion anti display of a sign for the store at 848 Massachusetts Avenue,
whioh is within the East Village District. Participating. in this decision
were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shaw,
Georgia H. Williams, and Associate Commissioner S. Lawrenoe Whipple.
Mr. Jaquith stated that he had written a letter to Allan $enney,
Chairman of the Board of Selectman, regarding the Mariam Street parking
lot and the fact that the Commission members believe that a Certifioate of
Appropriateness world be necessary in this location.
The meeting was ad3ovrned at 1145 P.M. ~y/G/-/~
orgi~a H. Williams
ecretary Pro Tam