A aseting of the Historic Districts Comaiiaaion xas held at 7t45 P.K.
on Wednesday, Jam~ary 3i, 1973, in Room G5, Tvxes Office
Present xsre Coamiasioners Wilber K. J With Chairman= G~ Ls~3ngton.
~i s orge H. !Graves=
Donald J. Shax~ t3eorgia H. Williams; and Associate Coaad.ssiener S. Laxrenos
Whipple. Mr. Whipple xas appointed to serore for Coffisaionsr Philip B.
Parsons xhe ma enable to be present. liira. Williams xaa appointed Secretary
Pro Tea.
I+~'. Jaquith sabaitted a draft of a Certificate of Appropriaterieas for
Congdon and Anne L. Wyman xith respect to changes in #h® existing dxslling
at 1i06 Maaaachusetta Arenas, xhich is xithin the East Village District. He
else aabmi.tted three aoa].e draxinga of the north porch changes.. ThA pro-
posed Certificate xas read and ainor changes xere made. It xaa coved,
seconded, and ananiaoasly VO7~D to iaaae a Certificate of Appropriateness te?
Corydon .and Anne L. Wyman xith respsot to ohangea in the exiatd.ng dwelling
at 1106 Massachusetts Averme, xhich is xithin the Heat Yil?age Diatriat, bat
it xaa atipnlated that the Certificate ms not ~ be issued until aca],e draxr
inga of the aoath porch have been received. Participating in this decision
xere Comsissivnera Wilber M. Jaquith, George E. Graves, Donald J. Shax,
Georgia H. W311iaas, and Aasooiate Commissioner S. Laxrenca Whipple..
The Certificate of Appropriateness wnanimonaly YOTED at the hearing on
January 11, 1973 tv the Tvxn of Lexington xith respect to an addition to the
Central Fire Station at tM5 Hedt'oxl Street, xhich is stithin the Battle Green
District, xas dictated.
Mr. Jaquith submitted saaplea of the stationery nor being used by the
varioas Tarn departaeata. Folloxing diacaaaion, it xas eared, seconded, and
unaniaoualy VOT1~D to contimxe acing the present Historic Distriata Coamia~
aion lettvrhsad, oartificatea, and enPelvpea.
Then fo].].oxed a discussion on signs in the center of Lexington xhich
have not been approved by the comtdesion, apevifically interior lighted. or
neon signet Colonial Garage, Battle .Green Inn, Lexington Furniture, Cheryl•s
Bakery, Stevens l~rkst, Ready"s, Scribnera Market, Michslaon•s Shoes,
Regent Delicsteasen, Reed*a Rexall, Hdison, Pextsr Pot, and the gasoline
station signs xhich bare never been approved. Mr. Whipple suggested that
plastic baokboard signs not be approved and Mr. Shax agreed. Mr. Jaquith
stated that he feels that Mi.chelacn''a sign could be apprarsd provided that
it xas not lighted, bat that none of the other existing signs aentioned
abon ahoald be approved.
Mr. Shax stated that 24~. Gnbisch xas correct as regards Wilson Farms
fence. He said that it ahonld be extended xith a gate xhich should be kept
closed and that the fencing should be screened.
The meeting xas ad~oarned at 1Ot10 P.H. I
vrg~H. Williaas
Secretary Pro Tem