HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-03-31 ~ ~ `t J ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ r 1 ` I r. - ~ ~ ~ r~sc DT3TRICT9 ~co~ss;ox: . ~Ntt~s OF A 1~TING ~ Qiv MARCF~ 31, 19.71 ' The Historio llistricts Co~mniasion held a meetJ.ng on Wadhesday, Marah~ Vii,. 1471, in the Bird Ftoona of the nary Memorial Baildfix~g, T.ngton, Present wexe Caannissionexs Wilbur !S, Jaquith, Charsani'~philip H, Parsexts~,- Secretary''; George E. Graves i Georgia H.: Willi.anis; and Associate Co~4.a sioners Gearga W, Smexy3 Albert T' Pitt= and 3..I.aKrshce Whipple. 'Mr, . Emery was appo~?ted to sit this evening. to fi11 the vaoanesy 4n the Cow mission. A hearing was held at 7:37 P.M. on the applicatiott,af Joseph ,A. Buaa i~ d/b/a t3usa"'e iexingtoh Rawer Shop. for a Certificate of 'Appropriateness . ~.tZi rsepeot to the erection :and .display oY a sign fo the store front at ~I i:4 Wa3tham St~est xhich is Kitt~i,n th® Battle Green District, Mr, Jaquith ' read the.'legal notice of and the letter requesting thiahearing. Photo-~ a Y? graphs of the store- front and a dagraie aketoh o,F.,ist#e sign, Kere sut~nittsd. j Following brief discussion, 'tl~e wring xas ad~ovrred at ?A4~`-P.M. Zt was moved, seconded., and ~uni»imo`usly VOTED #a issue ,a 'Certiffeate tv , Joseph A. Base d/b/a visa's Lexington .Flower Shop.for ffiignfor the store , front, at 14 4taltham Street. Participatiing in this. deciaian vere Commis-~ signers Wilbur iS, Jaquith, .Philip, Paracns, aaorg® ,Graves., Georgia H. Williams, and Aasooiatb Carsatipsianer GeorgQ~W, Smery.'.~ _ ' A hearing was held. at B:OS P.H. on the appliaatioa ot.Phlip John an3 Julie Cadle fora Certificate Kith respect to exterior arahitsctnral chaz?g®s in the dwelling at 15 Mariam 3~treet xhich'is within the ;Battle F',„ Green Mstrict. Mr, Jaquith read the legal notice of this hearing and re«~ farted to the letter explaining.. the changes c2asired, Harvey Greenhalgh xas present as s represmta'litve of the ,Ghnrch of Our Redeemer. Following disewssion, the.. hearing xas closed at $i~5 P,M. Mr. Jaquith stated that I,iricoln P. Cole,'Jr., Totm Moderator, had asked him to meet with 2~r, Cols, Donald E. Nickerson, Cha3~xman of the , Hoard of Appeals, and a representative of the Scottish Rites orga;rlxation witty respect to the property at 1162 Massachusetts Avenue Khich is within .fir: 'tabs Munroe Tavern District. Since .that sell Mr Sh•piey of Shepley, Hulfinch, Richardson, anti Abbott, araliiteets, had called him and asked if ~ they could inset informally with the Commission regarding possible plans for this property.., ''„a Mr, Jaquith a:tated"that the NeW England Telephone .Company ware ached- ;,,p tiled fora,hearing at ?s3O P,M, an April 21st ori~their application fora - Certificate for an addition to the rear of'their banding at 73 Waltham. Street which is within. the Battle Green 'District, £ ~'w.' k ~ ~ ~a z,;~,i s r :t l' ;N.:, - r. -Pf ':~q FffSTORIC DI9IRICT3 COMMISSION ~ ~ - - March:~1, 1971:. ~ A' h®aring was held at gs00 P.M. on the appli.cati:on of iiaraock fJni.ted ~ < ~hsrch,of Christ with respect to the erection of';•,a,.ahai:ks and.. granite: poste`': for the premises at 1912 l~assaohusetts Avernxe, rth~uh ;w~thiri the Hattie " a Green District. Mr. Whipple was appointed. to sit for Mr, Graves 3n this , hearing. Air. Jaquith read the legAl notice and the letter frao? Ben,~a~i.n ` Sears, Chairman.of the Prudential Coonnittee of the Churoh, requesting this hearing. Air. Thomas Webstarw. a member of -the Prudential Committee, rep%• resented Hancock Churoh, Following discussion,., the hearing was closed st~ 9~ 37 F.M., It was motred, seconded, ` aad" v~animeus~;1+' VOT~A to issue a Cert~ ficate to' Haneock tTnited Church. of Christ for the ' section of a ohain and granite posts for the westerly driveway of the Church premises. Partic= pating in this deCis3ch ??ere,Commissioners Wilbur M..•Jaquith, Philip B. Farscns, Georgia 13. Willi~ms,'and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery, and 3, Iawrenae Whipple. P'o73owing•diaausaion~ it was. moved, seconded', acid uriani~usly VQ~1S to issue a Certi:2'icate to Phi'Lip John and Julio CndYe with respect tc exF+ , . terior architeotural changes to the dwelling at 15 I~riam Street. Partin- oipating in this'ciecision were Commissioners 1~lilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, George. E. Graves„ (ieorg3a H. ,.Williams,.and Associate Commissioner George W. Eem3xy. ~.h ;:a Mr.~Jaquith road a Resolution in Memory of Commissioner Mwc A. Straw who died suddenlg on Mara?s,13th. Tt was moved, seoondedy and unanimously VQ'!~ to pass this Resolution and to entsr'a Dopy in the permanent Minutes ' of the Ccmmisson and ~to aend a copy to Mrs. Straw. The meeting was adjourned at io~30 P,M. _ Philip B. Parsons „ , 3ecreta.ry ' - ~.5' ' ~