HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-17 _ ~ ~ ~ k - - ~ lust Dz,sa~rc~s coi~asso~ l~~rr~s of a ~ ox F~Bxs~x' i~ lt9.atoric Diatriate ~eemseion h*3d a alas oee Wednesds~r~, Feb+ teary 1~, 197L, in tJ~a Bird lRooffi of the Gar, DMs~orial Hsi2.dtag,. Lsxingtma. Pres®nt wars Gomdsaiera~rs Wilber M. Jagptth, C1q,is~ans Fhilip B.. Parsohs, Secretary; Gsorge )$.:f3raws~ Max li. Strart cleorg;a S. Wi].liandst and Asso~+' o3.ate Gomsisaioeesra George... W. ?r~ssry , anal 3. Irtrr~snee 'iihpp2e. - A luring eras bald at ?:30 1S~.M. oz? .fie applaatiox of Siuon Goldberg , and Sasseel B. Sheldon far a Csrtifioats of Appropriats~eess, xith rsapeot to the erection s~ed..disp'ka~r of a te>~orarf, sea ata~ding. alga. at iS'l~assey 8tteet* rhich is xithia the Battle .Gresn District.. I~,..Jaqui.th read the...- , legal notice of the hearing and 'rge . Lstt4r> fr a Dean. 8. Michelson,, : . requesting t}se; -ling. Rolaert L. I,ye+n reprrsected ,the , pett3pner and presented three -scale: d,~a~rlxtias of t~s propss~d.; sign.. , Feleeeing• disetessioa " of the .proposed 'signs ales le.at~4;eeg eee ad~enrreed ,at g#~g:. P,1~l, A hear3.ng iraa held. at 7t~9 l?.1~. orb; the appl~eat3.ox,;oF T. H. Lysn for.:.` . a Certifieats of dpprop~riatenese rich respoat. to the :erection and.. dispLy of fro sigas~, iteo3,nding 'a. Eras .atand,ing: sign, at Waltl~e Stt*eet,} .rleieh . ` is xithin t7ms l~tfle? tftwn Di~trot. Present for _tha.-leet~tdoner ~ itehsrt dra+rsng: ex t,~., sign •propos~d L. Lyon ~u epb~itted three copies of ,a, scale for rwi,r ' a!'~., flee . three .eopl~iA .pct .i -wale, ~dra~ oY. the fraw sue' sign,. thr!se. oepies. a!' a scale dsaxing` e'.` a directory sigry agel $hott graphs of tbw? bsilding ae~, the Erse a't~a elan.°- Fsllaer3~ d3sons top hearing-~ras, ad~oarn~d~.et. ~t0~`.~.]S. ~ ~ - It ras Bond* ssvcr~dad, and wsanimsusly VOTlSD tv i.asue a Gertifieats of Appropriatea~ss. to , Simtn tis3dber~ aced' $~ael ~B. 8hcldex fur a ts:~porax9? , Eras atanotiryg sign fox the ~r~lyd,des' rct .i9 sy Jdtx~set. Partioipatir~ la this deoiuion rata G~issieners ,wiles 1!I. -Jaquith, Plsilp B. Farsenty l~r 9t1'aw,' George E. Gra~?es,. and. Georgia-~I. Williams, Tt was moved,, seconded, and .ux~animonsly 9ClTWD to iss+ac a. Certitiaats of Appropriatexesa to Robert L. LYctt d/b/a W. ~I. Lyon fora .sign for the rear of the banding at Waltleaae Stswet-and also far a Eras atamding .sign. for the ,front of the same presises. It ;tras deda4d to not issue a Certificate for the directory sign until additienal aforioatiox lead -bean reeoivsd on this sigZe. ,Participating 3n this decision tars-Comndssioteera Wi:lbnr 1s. Jaquith, Philip B, Personas cdsvrge ci~ravaa~, I~z H, ;Ttrar ahd Georgia B. W171da~ee. Mr. Jagpith stated that a letter had been seat to Jrotteeer C. lmga~ete ritlr the xotiee of disapproval of flea sign and Pausing for lter prsperty at 91g-91~ Massaohnsetts Avenue. .m i v ~ • AIS1'(7RiC T7I3TRI~~B C0~$SI98TON ~ Fsbxgary 1~,~ .1971 Mr, dagd~.th sited thsL an article has bsan inserted is tbs Towm i~st Stith. respect Lm t~be perehasa t~s PY'©P"" ertoT at the oerner of Dtassaehesetts' A~sr~ts smd :Elarkr .8treet ge road a iettsr received. freas ..ths 8oer~ et ~slsstesA askin~+ the Ce~s3ex ,fsr an " espressiea of i'Cs fseli~s rs,~ardiu6 -this .pera~~s." ~isorgii. willies. sie ed thaL t3'~r. Town aequire. tJ~! pr~rty~; dudish. the. baildi~y, oriel :open.. np tars aras. 3aot~ ffraves• eeo~d. t1~s ~aotwias~';. I't snts ac Vtl.~ED h'T a19. pras~;tt nce®pt for Miut dta~t ~?he sbstr?iaed .Ftvss v~t3ng siause the "prolASr'gr be2oags ter t~ Tirst-Parish Chcreh o:C vhieh Le is s nsxt»r. , Tl~crs was. a ~~rist disen~saiab ti - tYe props; awt 1162. Iisasae2~tta Acemtie, ltca. W#1'l.is~is stated.a~#~p,~s hd.sp]osr wig the-9ehaeslre plus . are. os Mari~s~Ct Read directl.~ aorodrs Tres t,M .propcrtQy sud theg ha~re pb~ectioh tc the- deas,]„ittiioa ;a! the bangs. and.n~eation..of- i< massmn Imt hepe thst swr ~ ~ Ni~1, bi eraeted; there, Mr. sad; dlr.. whippls bath s.ta?tsd t2iat t~ 'reel"" ths: Snptws Ce~onail .:is vsi~g, s fer~t oY ceeraicn ;in order, is asoura, ps~i.asipnwtao .destol#ssh,, ."bibgs. , l~r. " Psursens- ~sved that. thr~ Co~is~eien .d9.~tp~xr«ve °d~mo],~L'J.4~t'. fit R'the. present, ties bat• leave • .open .1'er .approval of denaltien. at a future t#ais. Mr. S raw . s~asndud. ;the. ~tiea. and ;tlr Qoaae~Lsslos~ sa YOB. It xas > ~ tided that the Cosstissian xopid mast at 7+~5 PDI.: on T~ledaesdsg~ F'sbroar,~ 2~ith, to talc nation on: this cotter. , 14rae scaring eras ad~ouraed at 1ti~ P,M. Philip 8. Parsons 3ooretary