HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-01 ~ HISTORIC DISTRIC75 COrfl+JISSION MINiTTR3 OF A 1~BTIHG HN:I.D ON JQLY 1, 1970 The Historic Districts Commission bald a ffieeting on Wednesday, July 1, 1970, in the Bird Room of Cary Memorial Building, Lexington. Present were Commissioners Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman; Philip B. Parsons., Secretary= Max H. Strax= George E. Gravest Georgia H. Williams; and Associate Commis- sioner~ Franklin C. Hudson, and S. Laxrenee Whipple. Associate Cvmmisaioner George W. Emery arrived at 10100 P.M. A hearing xas held. at 7139 P.M. on the application of Theatre Pharmacy, Inc. for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the ersotion and display of signs for the store at 1784 Masaaehuaetts Avenue, xhich is xithin the Battle Green Distri.at. Mr. Jaquith read the legal notice of the .hearing and t~ letter requesting the hearing, Christopher Vanier appeared for the petitioner and. presented one scale drawing each of the sign proposed for the front and tsar of the afore and also photographs of the building. Folloxing discussion, the hearing xaa adjourned at Se40 P.M. A hearing was old at 8140 P.M. on the application of The 9sasona Four, Ina. for a Certi.f'ieats of Appropriate~ss xith rsapeet to the erection and display of a free statxling sign at 1263 Massaehnaetts Avenue, xhieh is xitlr- ' in the Munroe Tavern District. Mr. Jaquith read the notice of the hearing and the letter of application for the hearing. Present xers Arthur GakLia~ President of The Seasons Four, Inc.= H. B. Spong of 1295 Maasaehusetts Ave- nee, abettor= Har~orie ffianehard of 1310 Maasaehusetts Avenue., abettor; Sam Silverman of 18 Ingleside Road= Grace and Roxanne Margolien of 12 Ingleside Road;..Lewis and Elinor Aronin of 20 Ingleside Road= Marray Kays of 6 Aber nathy Roads and Weiant WathsnWDenn of 44 Maple Street. Mr. Gaklis submitted three seals draxings of the sign and color samples to be need on the sign. Following diaevaaion, including some gneationa and comments from the floor, the hearing xas adjourned at 10100 P.K. Mr. Jaquith stated that at the meeting on duly 15th Colonial Pharmacy world be requesting a Certificate for a plaque for the front oP ttmtir stare at 1784 Maaaaehnastta Avenue xhieh is within the Battle Green District, aixi the Bartolotti family xovld be requesting a Certificate for an addition to the rear of the dweU.ing at 1132 Masaaehusetta Avenue xhioh is within the Esat Village District.' Mr. Jaquith stated that a certified latter, return rscseipt requested, mailed on May 28th to June Augusta xith respect to the illegal Penes and signs at 917 Maasachnsetta Avenue had been returned as unclaimed. Mr. Jaquith appointed Mr. Hudson to serve for himself as he was unable to sit on the folloxing adjourned hearing and Mr. 3trax naa elected to serve as Chaixman Pro Tem. The Comariasion held an adjourned hearing at 10120 P.M. on the request of Athens Realty Treat xith respect to the erection and mairn~ enanoe of a compaction rubbish control device for the Stop & Shop Super market at 36 Bedford Street, xhieh is xithin the Battle Green District. Mr. Emery reported that the Board of Appeals at its meeting on June 90th had granted the application far a variance xith the provision that screening HISTCiR,IC DISTRICTS COMt~S[SSION - 2 - July 1, 1970 mast be provided on the east aide of the. property for the length of the von tamer and that it oould not be operated before 9100 A.M. nor after 9100 P.M. Mr. 3trax read a 1®ttsr dated June 2kt1z from Thos Niles of .Niles Compa~yy, Inc., Agents for Battl® Green Apartments Treat. Consideration xaa given to the information given by Attorney Arthur Waldstein in behalf of the appli- cant at the hearing on June 17, 19711. It xaa reoogni.zed b9 the Commission that the atop 8e Shop Supermarket has unusual problems relative to rubbish. disposal and. that it appeared that many of those problems could be simplified and the premises overall made neater by the installation of.the egnipment applied for. A particular consideration xas given to the location. of the proposed installation, the physical dimensions of the equipment,. and the de- gree of noise in the operation. of the compactor. After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it xas unanimously VOTED that. the arohiteo- tural features of the proposed compaction rcbbiah control device is inappro~ priate for the purposes of the Historic Distriata Commission Act, ih~ter 447 of the Acts of I~saachusetts, 1956, as amended, bat that, acting to con- ditions especially affecting the premises imolvsd and .not affeot3.ng the historic district generally, failure t+o approve the application would in- volve a anbstantial hardship to the applicant and that the application may be approved xithout substantial detriment to the public xelfare.and xithout substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of the acid Aat. It xaa moved„ seconded, and unanimoual3r WT® to issue a Certificate of Appropriate- ness to Athens Reslty Trust. Part3.cipating in this decision xere Commis- aioners Max H. Strax, Chairman Pro Tema Philip B. Parsons, Secretaryp George E. Gravest Georgia H. Williamsi and Assoviate Commissioner Franklin C. Hodson. Mr. Jaquith then discussed tl~ request of Thomas J. & Wend A. Helsbog for pera{issivn to ohsnge the. color of the dwelling at 5 Hancock Avenae, xhich is within the Hancock-Clarke District, from xhite to Sandpiper Grey xith xhite trim and Revere Green blinds. It was moved, seconded, and onanimons3.p VOTED to approve the color change anb~ect to the request being submitted to the Chairman in writing. Mr. Jaquith presented a bill from Barbara Gilson, Clerk, for $46.25 for olerival services and expenses. It xas moved, seconded, and voted to approve payment of this bill.. Then followed disvussion of the request of Philip John and Julie Cadle for 8` fencing for the premises at 15 Mariam Street, which is within the Hatr tle Green District. No decision was reached regarding this fencing request. The meeting was ad3ourned at 12 M '~G~`~`*~', ~'*~-i~ Philip B. Parsons 3eeretary i • Des to the inability of Commi.asioner Wilbnr M. Jauuith to act on the petition of Athens Realty Treat the ohair deaignatea Aaaoaiate Franklin C. Hodson to serve in this lotion. _1 ~ Max H. 3tra~t BLsirmetn Pro Tem July i. 197 Date