HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-17 # ~ i~sTORIC DI3TRIC79 coM~ssloN MINU1~s of w MEETING ~ oN JUNE 17. 1970 The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Wednesday, Jane 1?, 19~. 1R~e Chairman called.the meeting to order at 7:,30 P.M. in Cary Memories al N'll and immediately adjourned the meeting to the Bird Room in the Cary Memorial.-Bnilding..]~embera present xers Commisalonsrs Wilber M. Jaquith, Chairmani Philip B. Parsons, searetaryi Max H. Straxi fieorge B. Graves= and Associate Co~i.asioners George W. Emery and Franklin C. Hudson. The Chair man appointed Mr. Hudson to serve for himself as he was unable to sit on the first hearing. and Mr. Emery to serve for Georgia H. Williams xho xaa not present. Mr. Jaquith then withdrew. It xaa moved, aeaonded, and voted that Mr. 3trax serve as Chairman Pro fem. Mrs. Williams arrived at ?t50 P.M. A hearing xaa held at 7135 P.M. on the application of Athens Realty Trust for a Cert3fiaate of Appropriateness xith respect to the installation and maintenance of a oompaction rubbish control device for the atop d shop Supermarket at 36 Bedford Street, xhich is within the Battle Green District. Present for the petitioner xere Arthur Waldstsin, Attorney, and John MoWesney, Real Estate Representative. Also present was Thomas Niles, representing Battle Green Apartments Trust, abetter. Mr. 3trax read. the 2sgal notioe and the 1®tter requesting the Certificate. Three plot plans., aloetches, and photographs of the proposed location xere presented. Fall.oxing discussion, the hearing xas adjourned at 8t30 P.M. A hear3.ng waa held at Se35 P.M. on the application of Philip John and Julie Cadge with respect to the erection of fsnaing at 15 Mariam street, xhiah is xithin the Battle Green District. Mr. Jaquith read the .legal no- tice arxi portions of the letter requesting the Certit'iaats. The Cadges sub? mittsd photographs and a sketch of the plot .and diaaussed their desire for privacy and to prevent trespassing and litter on their premises. Folloxing discussion, the hearing xaa adjourned at i0fi5 P.M. Mr. Jaquith stated that on July 1st the Theatre Pharmacy would appear ~I at 7x30 P.M. and The 3easonp Four, Inc. at 8s30 P.M. both xith reapeat to the erection a~ display of aig~ls. On July 15th Colonial Pharmaay x1]1 be present at 7r30 P.M. with respect to the creation and display oY a sign, and the olrnera of the property at 1132 Masaachuaetts Avenue will appear at 8r00 P.M. with respect to an addition to the premises at that address. Mr. Jaquith autaitted the following bdllar Hanaoak Press ~ $56.11 for emelopssi Ingalls Stationery ~ $7.45 for supplies= and Barbara Gilson $86.515 for secretarial servi.aes anti eapensea. It was maned, seconded, arxi nnanimansly voted to approve payment of these bills. Mr. Jaquith then inquired as to whether the members would be available for meetings during the our and it xaa determined that five or more would be available during the taro summer Philip B. Parsons Seer~etary