The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Thursday, March
26, 1970, at 7145 P.M. in the Conference Room, Visitors Center, Lexington.
Members present were Commissioners Max H. Straw, George E. Graves, Georgia
H. Williams, and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery, Franklin C.
Hudson, and C. Lawrence Whipple. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED that
Mr. Straw serve as Chairman Pro Tem. It was moved, seconded, and VOTED
that Nlrs. Williams serve as Secretary Pro Tem. The chair appointed Mr.
Whipple to serve for Wilbur M. Jaquith who was not present and Mr. Hudson
for Philip B. Parsons who was unable to be present.
A hearing was held on the application of the Harvard Trust Company
for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of a
'ouilding and the erection and display of signs at 1761-1765 Massachusetts
Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Present for the Bank
were Don S. Greer, President, and Herbert M. Allen, First Vice President,
and E. T. Steffian and Peter Steffian, Architects. Mr. Straw read a lets
ter from Mr. Allen requesting the hearing and then he read the legal no-
tice of the hearing. Three sets of plans of the proposed building, one
rendering of the front of the proposed building, a sample of the brick
variations to be used in the construction, and a sample of the slate to
be used for the roof were submitted. Following discussion of the proposed
plans, it was decided to adjourn this hearing until 9100 P.M. on Thursday,
April 2nd. The bank representatives and architects withdrew at 9640 P.M.
Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, then assumed the chair.
Mr. Mullin of Wholesale Electronic Supply presented three scale draw
ings of the sign proposed for the storefront at 1711 Massachusetts Avenue,
which is within the Battle Green Dist:r3.ct. Following discussion, it was
decided to adjourn this hearing until 10100 P.M. on Thursday, April 2nd,
Mr. Mullin withdrew at 11100 P.M.
Mr. Jaquith presented a bill for $40_.00 for secretarial services from
Barbara Gilson, Clerk. It was moved, seconded, and. VOTED to approve pay-
ment of this bill.
The meeting was adjourned at 1111$ P.M.
~arg~a H. Williams
Secretary Pro Tem