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1 • • December 30, 1967 The Historic Districts Commission met at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Dlicholas J. Cafarelli, Jr. with respect to the erection and display of a sign for the office building at 1762-6th Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. P?embers present were Commissioners i~Vilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves, NTax H. Straw and Associate Commissioner George Pr. Emery. The Chairman read the .letter of application and the notice of hearing. Mr. Cafarelli had, by telephone message to the Clerk, withdrawn his appli- cation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED that the request for withdrawal be accepted. The Chairman dictated the following letter to the applicant: "The Historic Districts Commission con- sidered your request for withdrawal of application, dated October 28, 1967, for the erection and display of a sign for the office building at 1762-bL~ Massachusetts Avenue at its meeting on Wednesday, December 20, 1967 and Voted to accept this withdrawal without prejudice". "rearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on the application of George T. Bryant and Ellen H. G. Bryant with respect to changes in the exterior architec- tural features of the dwelling at 19L}8 Massachusetts Avenue, which is with- in the Battle Green District. The Chairman road the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Pdrs. Bryant appeared and presented photographs of the dwelling and of the proposed combination, anodized, white aluminum frame storm windows and screens. She also described a proposed combina- tion, anodized, black or white aluminum frame storm door for the front entrance. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. No other persons having appeared the hearing was closed at 8:30 P.P.7. The Chairman reviewed for the Commission the case of Johri A. rioren- tino. Hearing was originally scheduled for Iovember 15, 1967 on the ap- plication with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the pre- mixes at 1} :"Jaltham Street, which is within the Battle Green District. This hearing was adjourned to November 21, 1967, at which time the applicant appeared and presented scale drawings of the proposed sign. After discussion, the Commission did not accept the sign. The Chairman advised Per. Piorontino of the Commission's decision and requested new scale drawings. These were submitted to the Commission at its meeting on December 20, 1967• Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicant. The following paragraph was included in the Certificate: "In issuixig this Certificate for a sign in the location in- volved the Commission has taken into consideration the architecture of the specific building involvedn. The Chairman informed the Commission of a Board of Appeals hearing that ho had attended with respect to a variance request made by F.obert 0. _ Tillinghast to permit the erection of two-family houses in place of a I •P,ninutes of hearings • d on December 20, 19b7-- •------Page 2 barn at 465-!}75 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. It was planned to retain the "barn-type V roof" and "farm-type'r concept in the complex. In view of the possible demolition of the present old structures on the premises and the Historic Districts Commission's concern about the destruction, the Chairman stated that "this is possibly moving in a positive direction". tJlr. Jaquith advised the Commission of a letter sent to Robert 0. Tillinghast regarding non-wood na:aCtt~ns in the new dwelling at 859-861 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the East Village District. The following bills were presented to the Commission: Elizabeth rlynn x!}1.00 Minute A4an Publications 9.00 X50.00 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to approve payment of the bills. Discussion was held on a covering letter to be included with a copy of the Acts to be mailed to all property owners within Historic Districts. The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for January 17, 19b8 to consider the applications of: 1. The Pot Shop 1~2A Bedford Street 2. Lexington Trust Co. 42 Bedford Street 3. George E. & 33 Bedford Street Grace F. Rowe 4. Rowe Chevrolet 33 Bedford Street Mr. Jaquith advised the Commission that he would not be able to sit on the first two hearings and that a Chairman Pro Tempore would be needed. The meeting was adjourned at 10;30 P.Tvi. Philip B. Parsons Secretary v' I T4W1V ~©F LEXI.IVG'N Ma,~racba~ret~ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This txrti5cate is issued pttrsuaat to Chapter 447,. Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to John A. Fiorcntino with respect to the erection and display of a sign on the sec©nd floor level of the B4assachusetts Avenue elevation of the building as tested below, at Waltham Street which i, within the Battle Green The sign is to bear the legend 'tLaw Offices John A. Fiorentino Roger E. Borrello" and is to be located between the two windows above the store at 173L} Massachusetts Avenue with the bottom of the sign to be level with the top of the sills of said windows. The letters of the sign are to be of gold-leaf en a wo®den backboard having a black sand finish. The design, layout, style, type and size of lettering and the backboard appear on the scale drawin submitted to the Commission at the adjourned hearing on December 20, 197; except as full©ws: 1. The tails ®n the bottom of the letters "R" are not to extend below the b©ttom of the other letters of the sign. 2. The style of the letter "L" in the word "Law" and the letter "J" in the word "John".is to be formal lettering without flourishes.. 3• The above black sand finish of the backboard is substi- tuted for tha black smaltz color shown on said drawing. Bevelled edges for the face of the backboard are to be substituted for the molding ®n said drawing. In issuing this Certificate for a sign in the location involved the Gom- mission has taken into consideration the architecture of the specific building involved. The issuance of this Certificate does not constitute evidence of compliance with the sign By-Law or any other By-Law ®f the Town of Lexington. HISTORIC DISTBICfS COMMISSION Date December„21,, 1967 Wilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No..... 2l.E,8 cxelRMwx ~`.,J TOWN OF LEXING'~N > Ma~cbt~rettr ~ xisTOiuc n~sTtucrs coivrnrxss~orr CERTIFICATE QF APPROPRIATENESS Thu cerufirate is issued ptusnanc to Chapter 447, Accts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to .............Ellen ,~i. ,G.. Bryant........................:.................... with respect to ~ changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling as noted betow, at .....1948 Massachusetts Avenue which is withia the .......Battle Green District The architectural futures involved consist of the installation of combination, anodized, white, auminum storm windows and screens to replace wo©den storm windows and screens and the installation of a combination,. an®dized black or white aluminum frame storm doer in the front of said dwelling. The style and type of aluminum. door ~ t® be installed is to conform to the photograph submitted to the C®mmission at the hearing on December 20, 1967. . ~ , i { I I i i FIISTORIC DISTRICTS CUMMISSIDN December 21 1967 Wilbur P,~I. Jaquith. Certificate No.....~49.......... CHAIRMAN Nh/AN ' r