HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-12-04 • December 4, 1963 The Historic Districts Cosmtission met at the t iae and place epeci.f'ied 3xt the pablic notice of the hearing on the application of Theatre Camera, Inc,, for a certificate of approp2~iateneas for the erection and display of a sign on the building at 1810 Massachusetts Avenue, xhich is within t he Battle Green Diatriet, Preset were Wilbur M. Jaquith, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, George E. Graves, and Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant and William B. Hoyt. The chairmanbeing absent from t hs meeting, upon motion duly made a nd seconded, Wilbur M. Jaquith xas unanimously elected Chairman Pro Tempore for the meeting. The chairmanxead the letter of application and the notice of hearing. Pre~rtt in behalf of the application xas Mr. Peter Bach of Theatr® Sound Shop. The commission members viexed the scaled drawing of the prnposed sign, which xas suhmitted to the commission xith the application. Various questions were asked by the members. The hearing was ad3ourned at $=25 P. M. Upon motion duly made and s ecorrded, it was unanimously VOTED to grant to Theatre Pharmacy, Inc., a certificate of appropriateness with r aspect t a the erection and display of a sign for its Theatre Sound Shop at 1$10 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Hearing xas held on the application of Helen C. Bertini for a certificate of appropriateness for the erection of an addition to the existing duelling at 13l~1 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Munroe Tavern District, The ckaairman read the letter of application dated November I2, 19b3, and the notice of hearing. Present in behalf oP the application were Miss Helen C. Bertini, Mr. Ben Bertini, and Mr. xichard J. Foley, Builder. Mr. Foley presented t}.~ commission with a het of scaled drawings of the proposed additions, and txo photographs of the dwelling at the present time. ~.estions were asked the applicant and the builder by the commission members. The hearing was adjourned at 9s10 P. M. Upoa motion du3y made and seconded, it x as unanimously VOTED to grant to Helen C. Bertini. a certificate of appropriateness with respect to the erection of additions to the existing dwelling at 13lj1 Massachusetts Avenue, which is xithiathe Munroe i'avera District* It was stated that application had bean received from Lexington Trust Cc~pany for a certificate of appropriateness. FIearing will b e held vn Thursday, December 19, 1963, in the Selectmen~s Rocm, at $x00 P. M• The meeting xas ad3ourned $:t~,P? M• Philip B. 'arsons • Secretary TOWN OF LEXINGTON .ns Mar.~ach~cet~r s { ~ ~s "'a"" HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability oP Commissioners Donald R. Grant and Ruth Bevan to act cn the petitions of Theatre Caaera Inc. and Helen C. Bertini~ the chair designates Associate Commissioners Carl E. Bryant and %illiam B. Hoyt to serve in this action. w ~ rv empore December 19b3 ~k~" d ar~t~llr 1 as ~ .C. rr#: rr~? ~ SAM as63a~t ~ to ! 1l~~Ea ~s +a~t 1 'tlsm a~Ltt~f,~e ~ t?t tf~o ad.~?~i~ a~ s ~rete~ ~ ? t Apr t+e~r1~ Mgr a3s^ P~ ~e awtsdM a! +I~r ~ ~ ~rwsyr a tis ~ ~+I~t bws+l~m~' t~~ b~ ~ ~t arf~ ~ aid It eft' ~i~ 7#~t Sri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s R Mir ~l' 1i ~ 11 ~ 'ff9~+0 ~w d ~ ~ ~s 1'l~31r aid h t •~sr'~'~t~3eittt~r ~T s~x3~et? ~ rim ~t Chet Dom. ti~ ~ ~ ! ~+r ~ ~ tom. T~ b,~~,c~0 +k' apt r ,~ye,~ yo.~i ,s bys~~r fy1 V.~:& ~ ~ 91iNP ~~ii ~ ~~iii. NRi '~M 711t ~A "bfl ~e0 s~" i! 11? s~a;~~1e~ d~a axt ~IIOb r~~, i~ O!` t~s5~ ~Itt"11 ~ 4i 13 ~A ~6 i/~' ~1tq JMd~11Et a ~`M~ iii '6Ct iRi ;~1'i~S~b~A~ ~9td ~ IIN $O $i d ' '~D Iq~$A11i ~ NAi~A ~ Ai`~ ~t# ~ i ~rPk ~ ieL Ali ~ ~.~di ~ a'1$ ~ 1F~p l~p:t~~ !"DQt~' !t! bF'~~ fir tkk"r '~W ~ ~ ~ ii@ Mif ii 'fir #l ~ ~8t.6t~! • p("c ~ ~iA ~.i ~ ~~1 8b~` ~,&MI iii ~A G T @.~ i~~ ~F ~ CS~x~t~'lezae~rr 1!~. o is C tit?', •M~ x~ss of +r~lls„ r sr~ ~o ~ts~rs si't~ 1~n ~r s ~ w~l~?1a~ ax;C` o Asa fir tte ~1s~w?~ u1 ~?~en! Wit, a# ].~10 ~a?+~almtetit~ A~!wta~, vrhtols ~s ai1&lsis tt,~ ~a1~i~+t ~S#4rie~. "dam ~i~i wr.a~ i~ ~ ~t~ files ~ b~ A~.S taare i~r t,~ blt ns u,f a ~ ss~i~~d t eic+e? and lsr n~ ids Lt1R swat ~e ~ 111~~ ~hA ~.o~aa~4 ~wr ~1~ ~tt~ e1~' w~ !s iro 1~ o~Y ss~ ~1;e ~rf~a?rs ~t s~wwndr~ /$t• ~ phi ~rlr~rsd i#.t?s i~+~ ~s~l. Tire ~s1 11k1 4s ~r• pnist • ~ a~' 1blezt ~ s~~ ss as pe~s~.e s1l~dlt at bl~a1 8At ~1 sib et affiss ~ a~ Aaatwar ~~4 a eryriki!"~a~s +rss #ssa~L ~1~ +~s#adn ae1 Yr ~ 1`~s ~s ~ •bo~~r i~lrq pal" b o r?i at ~ ~e ~ tine ~'i14 ~ A1nra ~ off' taw t1u.L1 r 9'111 digs N1agy 1as 13,q~,1~d ~ + s~aip wl~S,lts ~ t?:er~reme+r~ ais~ol~?d ~ 1r . toe ~xa ~ 9iVi'R+Ri ,6rV ~fIP ~i~