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PLANNING BOARD MEETING <br />September 20, 1976 <br />The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. <br />by the chairman Mr. MacKenzie with members Friedman, Brown, Zabin, Clarke, <br />planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. <br />Planning Board meeting schedule for October was considered. It was PLANNING BD. <br />agreed that no meeting will be held during the week in which Columbus OCT. MTG.SCHED <br />Day is celebrated. Regular meetings will be held on October 4, 18, <br />and 25, 1976. <br />It was noted that the Bd. of Selectmen have requested that the Planning ADV. COMM. ON <br />Board nominate a representative to the Selectmen's advisory/RRmlolid wasteSOLID WASTE <br />disposal. The name of Dr. James Reilly, Town Meeting member, Prec.5, was JAMES REILLY <br />suggested as being well qualified to serve. The Selectmen will be <br />notified by letter of the recommendation. <br />The Louis DiLuna petition to the Board of Appeals, previously discussed DI LUNA B/A <br />on August 3, 1976, (hearing 9/30) was reviewed. It was decided to ex- 9/30/76 <br />press no opposition to the plan for addition of land for a driveway to HEARING <br />one of three lots owned by DiLuna since there appear to by unusual cir- <br />cumstances in this case to justify allowing the other two contiguous lots <br />to have less than required area. Mr. Briggs will inform the B/A of the <br />position of the Planning Board by letter. <br />Nick Iodice met with the Board by appointment at 8 p.m. for discussion IODICE <br />of his preliminary sketch plan for subdivision of land off Sullivan St. SULLIVAN ST. <br />' He was advised as to requirements for information on availability of <br />sewer and water, and on road standards, as well as procedures for sub- <br />mission of a preliminary subdivision plan. <br />Draft letter by Dr. Friedman,to accompany a copy of the Master Plan for MASTER PLAN <br />Recreation and Open Space when in form for submission to BOR, was re- RECR.& OPEN <br />viewed and approved as written. SPACE <br />Letter from Brucia Witthoft, requesting Planning Board action to support <br />ongoing operation of Winton's General Store at 1094 Massachusetts Ave., <br />was noted. Since the matter rightfully comes under the aegis of the B/A <br />and its permit to Wm. Smith of 10/2/75, involving the store and adjacent <br />property, the letter will be transmitted to the B/A. The chairman will <br />inform Ms. Witthoft of this procedure by telephone. <br />WINTONS GEN'L <br />STORE <br />Memo, dated September 20, 1976, from James E. Chase, T.E., requesting an J.E. CHASE,T.E <br />evaluation of his performance for the Planning Board was noted. Follow- <br />ing discussion of the matter, it was agreed that a letter will be written <br />to the Town Manager by the chairman, expressing the Board's appreciation <br />of Mr. Chase's cooperation and assistance. Copies will be sent to Mr. <br />Chase and to Dir., Public Works John McSweeney. <br />The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. <br />Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk <br />