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PLANNING BOARD MEETING <br />November 5, 1973 <br />The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at <br />7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members L. Brown, Costello, <br />Graham and planning director Briggs present. Also in attendance were <br />J. Frick, Conservation Comm., Richard Rogers, DAC, F. Sandy, CLC and <br />Pat Hoffman, Members of the Planning Board Citizens' Committee on <br />Zoning By -Law revision. <br />Mrs. Strome, resident of 14 Fairfield Dr., met with the Board at 8:00 OAK PARK II <br />p.m. to voice objection of homeowners in Oak Park subdivision to in- SIDEWALKS <br />stallation of sidewalks in the cul-de-sac and to present a petition <br />signed by 16 residents. She reported that the developer, Mr. Sateriale, <br />is willing to request a waiver on sidewalks and that abuttors, as well <br />as residents consider the addition of sidewalks contrary to best aes- <br />thetic interests of the neighborhood and not necessary for reasons of <br />safety. Mrs. Strome will check with Mr. Briggs re names of owners of <br />all houses and will get a letter from the developer with respect to the <br />empty lots, in an effort to gain unanimous consent of all concerned. <br />Mr. Paul Nelson, Oneida Corp., and Messrs. Moore and Spaulding met with DRUMMER BOY <br />Discussion of Erik Lund's proposal for new RD zone followed. Questions RD ZONING <br />of density limit and minimum size of land area were considered, as well AMENDMENT <br />as requirement for environmental impact information. A meeting of <br />Mr. Briggs, Frank Sandy, and Richard Rogers of Sasaki, Dawson & DeMay, <br />will be scheduled for the purpose of arriving at an appropriate density <br />figure. DAC will review the RD proposal in collaboration with Frank <br />Sandy's citizens' by-law revision committee. <br />Erik Lund, representing proponents of CR Trust, presented a written CR TRUST SUBD. <br />withdrawal of the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Preliminary PLAN WITHDRAWN <br />Plan of Land in LExington, Mass., Property of C-R Trust", dated <br />Jan. 26, 1973, which was submitted to the Planning Board on Jan. 29, <br />1973. <br />The Board reviewed the plan submitted by Norman Richards, Esq. for FORM A73-29 <br />Valleyfield Trust with Appl. Form A73-29. Upon a motion duly made and HAYDEN AVE. <br />seconded, it was VOTED: VALLEYFIELD TR. <br />The plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 16660 in <br />Lexington, Mass.", by Miller & Nylander, dated Oct. 17, 1973, showing <br />Lots 10 & 11 on Hayden Ave. and W.R. Grace Co. Lot A, submitted with <br />Appl. Form A73-29, on Oct. 26, 1973, by Norman J. Richards, Esq. for <br />Valleyfield Trust, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control <br />Law. <br />The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. <br />A plan submitted by Norman Cohen, Esq. for the Minuteman Regional School, <br />showing, an Edison easement and Lots A & B at Marrett Rd., was reviewed. <br />the Board for discussion of <br />future plans <br />for the "Drummer Boy" parcel. REZONING <br />If the Moore/Spaulding/Slye <br />multi -family <br />rezoning proposal at the next <br />Town Mtg. is unsuccessful, <br />the land will <br />be developed for single-family <br />homes. The PlanningBoard will, <br />in event <br />of single family development, <br />reconsider the 1969 Drummer <br />Boy definitive <br />subdivision plan with res- <br />pect to possible revision. <br />Discussion of Erik Lund's proposal for new RD zone followed. Questions RD ZONING <br />of density limit and minimum size of land area were considered, as well AMENDMENT <br />as requirement for environmental impact information. A meeting of <br />Mr. Briggs, Frank Sandy, and Richard Rogers of Sasaki, Dawson & DeMay, <br />will be scheduled for the purpose of arriving at an appropriate density <br />figure. DAC will review the RD proposal in collaboration with Frank <br />Sandy's citizens' by-law revision committee. <br />Erik Lund, representing proponents of CR Trust, presented a written CR TRUST SUBD. <br />withdrawal of the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Preliminary PLAN WITHDRAWN <br />Plan of Land in LExington, Mass., Property of C-R Trust", dated <br />Jan. 26, 1973, which was submitted to the Planning Board on Jan. 29, <br />1973. <br />The Board reviewed the plan submitted by Norman Richards, Esq. for FORM A73-29 <br />Valleyfield Trust with Appl. Form A73-29. Upon a motion duly made and HAYDEN AVE. <br />seconded, it was VOTED: VALLEYFIELD TR. <br />The plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No. 16660 in <br />Lexington, Mass.", by Miller & Nylander, dated Oct. 17, 1973, showing <br />Lots 10 & 11 on Hayden Ave. and W.R. Grace Co. Lot A, submitted with <br />Appl. Form A73-29, on Oct. 26, 1973, by Norman J. Richards, Esq. for <br />Valleyfield Trust, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control <br />Law. <br />The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. <br />A plan submitted by Norman Cohen, Esq. for the Minuteman Regional School, <br />showing, an Edison easement and Lots A & B at Marrett Rd., was reviewed. <br />