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It was agreed that a letter to the Board of Appeals be drafted with recommend- <br />ations that new drawings be submitted by the owners showing a revised plan <br />with the rear yard conforming to the requirements of the Zoning By -Law and <br />' stating the aforementioned views of the Planning Board regarding access, traf- <br />fic safety and convenience of circulation. The letter should mention that, in <br />the opinion of the Planning Board, the issuance (or grant) of a special permit <br />without the rear yard required according to Section 27 of the Zoning By -Law <br />would not be legal. It was unanimously voted to invite Mr. Giroux and/or <br />Mr. Matheson and their architect to the meeting of the Planning Board on <br />July 26 for further discussion of the matter and ask them to bring any alter- <br />nate schemes or plans they may -have prepared. <br />The subject of Subdivision Regulations regarding streets was considered and SUBDIVISION <br />Mr. Zaleski's memo of July 15 referred to. Dr. Clarke questioned the neces- STREET <br />sity of providing for parking on streets and presented the view that narrow REGULATIONS <br />streets have the effect of slowing and decreasing traffic, and that in some <br />cases narrow streets are in keeping with the appearance and character of the <br />neighborhood. The matter of widths of streets and lanes in conjunction with <br />the number of cars per hour, the reasonableness of whether 30' wide streets <br />are needed in residential areas, and traffic safety factors now being allowed <br />for streets were debated. It was suggested that the by-law prohibiting bi- <br />cycling on sidewalks should be changed and that sidewalks should be wide <br />enough to allow bike riding. As regards subdivision streets, the guideline <br />on the widths of streets should be governed by the traffic the street is ex- <br />pected to carry. The Town Engineer will be consulted before determining a <br />policy on cul-de-sac sidths. It was agreed that Dr. Clarke will formulate <br />and present the conclusions to the Planning Board by mid-September. <br />A discussion of installing sidewalks in easements in back of houses or on SIDEWALKS IN <br />Town owned land and of buried utility wires in cul-de-sacs followed. It EASEMENTS <br />will be continued on September 13 or 20. Mr. Eisenberg is to be kept in- BURIED UTIL- <br />formed of the Planning Board's consideration of the matter. ITY WIRES <br />Mr. Fennessey reported on his visits to various playgrounds and his informal RECREATION <br />talks to residents. It was voted to distribute "Recreation Needs Question- <br />naire to members of the Planning Board, Recreation Committee, Land Use <br />Committee of the TMMA and the Conservation Commission. Other groups such as <br />the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Cooperative Youth Program at the high <br />school will also be given questionnaires. <br />Mr. Zaleski reported that copies of easements granted to the Town in the PEACOCK <br />Peacock Farms VI subdivision had been obtained from the official records of FARMS <br />the Registry of Deeds and that he had prepared the draft of a letter to the EASEMENTS <br />Selectmen, asking for a review of the easements and appropriate action on <br />them by the Board of Selectmen. The letter will be mailed to Board members <br />for discussion at the next meeting. <br />It was agreed by the members that Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, be written another "PAPER <br />letter with a follow-up phone call requesting his comments on Mr. Zaleski's STREETS" <br />memo of May 24, 1971, regarding "Paper" Streets. <br />Mr. Costello asked about the progress in resolving the Star Market Parking STAR MARKET <br />' lot violation and Mr. Zaleski reported that no word has been received from ZONING <br />the Building Inspector on this as yet. A letter will be sent to Mr. Irwin VIOLATION <br />asking for information regarding the status of this situation. <br />