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10-20-58 <br />explained the procedure in conducting the hearing and <br />called upon the applicant to present his plan. <br />Mr. Tropeano speaking for the applicant de- <br />scribed the plan which was exhibited to those present. <br />He pointed out that the proposed subdivision was part <br />of an over-all development which would include a <br />second cul-de-sac and a further extension in a south- <br />westerly direction of a subdivision street beginning <br />at Winthrop Road and ending at the proposed extension <br />of Worthen Road. A question was raised in regard to a <br />lot fronting on this proposed street and shown to be <br />owned by Raymond H. Stearns. Mr. Tropeano pointed out <br />that said lot previously recorded in 1946 was a valid <br />lot. Mrs. Marjorie M. Balsor of 40 Winthrop Road in- <br />quired where Vine Brook was located in relation to Lot <br />6. The brook's location was pointed out to her on the <br />plan. There being no further questions in regard to <br />the application or plan, the hearing was declared <br />closed at 8:15 p.m. <br />After the hearing, Messrs. Reenstierna and <br />Tropeano discussed with the Board the proposed loca- <br />tion of Worthen Road and the widening of Waltham Street <br />across the land of the Vine Brook Realty Trust. The <br />study plans which had been prepared by Mr. Snow were <br />shown to said gentlemen. They were informed that the <br />Planning Board was to discuss these studies with the <br />Selectmen later on that evening. They were informed <br />also that they would be notified as soon as a decision <br />was reached between the Selectmen and the Planning <br />Board in regard to the location of said roads. <br />Messrs. Reenstierna and Tropeano left the meet <br />Ing at 8:30 p:m. at which time Town Counsel Stevens <br />came to the meeting. <br />LONGFELLOW Read to the Board was Mr. Stevens' October 20P <br />ESTATES 1958 letter to Mr. Snow enclosing a conformed copy of <br />grant of Nathan Ribock to the Town of the title to <br />the utilities in Whittier Road together with a copy of <br />Mr. Stevens' letter of said date to Town Clerk Carroll, <br />enclosing the original of these instruments and the <br />originals of the recorded instruments relating to the <br />Longfellow Estates Section One subdivision. All <br />matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made <br />and seconded, it was unanimously <br />VOTED: that the Board sign a certificate of perform <br />anee for all required work referred to in the <br />conditional approval contract executed by Nathan <br />Ribock, dated September 10, 19571 and release <br />