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(d) In regard to the proposal to chanme to Davis Road <br />t;7e name William Avenue, Hathaway stated that there were <br />' 20 families living aloii.g Williams Road and only one family <br />along; li illiam Avenue. He also said that the Board had re- <br />ceived two letters �ror;i i''r. Endres opposing the street name <br />change. <br />William Endres oz 15 William Avenue stated that as far <br />as he was concerned there had never been any trouble .,:ith <br />the street Lane. '-`e thought that if the name %%,ere changed <br />to Davis Road nobody would know where he lived. iir. Hath- <br />away stated that in proposing the change the Board was only <br />trying to look ahead to the future benefit of the people <br />and thr,t the proposal could be defeated at the Town I eeting <br />if enou h persons were not in favor of it. <br />(e) In discussing the proposal to chance to Servis Road <br />the name Oakland Avenue, 7r. Hathaway said that there were <br />24 families residing along Oakland Street and 8 along Oak- <br />land Avenue. He also stated that the Board had received a <br />petition signed by 18 people and a separate letter from <br />Esther i'lynn, all in favor of chan'ing the name but object- <br />ing to name "Servis Road." <br />William iason stated that all had experienced a great <br />deal of confusion with regard to the present street name and <br />that he believed Swan Lane could be extended, combining said <br />' lane and Oakland Avenue into one way called Swan Lane. He <br />added that his neighbors were in favor of this name change <br />but if their proposal could _got be accomplished, they would <br />like to select another name for Oakland Avenue. <br />(f) 'No one spoke in favor of or against the proposal to <br />change to C:-mden+ Street the name Smyth Street. I"ir. Hathaway <br />noted that 12 families lived along Smith Avenue and only 2 <br />along Smyth Street. <br />(g) s:'ith reference to the proposal to change to Tidd <br />"treet the name Hillcrest Street, I,r. Hathaway stated that <br />there were six families living along Hillcrest Street where- <br />as there were fifteen families living aloe Hillcrest Avenue. <br />He also said that the Board had received a petition signed <br />by seven citizens of Hillcrest Street who were not in oppo- <br />sition to changing the street name but did not care for the <br />name "Tidd" Street. <br />Paul RMcrrison of 21 Hillcrest Street asked for a list of <br />available names from i,hich to choose a name and wished to <br />know to i.,!hom a request for another name should be submitted. <br />It was suggested that the residents of Hillcrest Street re- <br />quest a Town Meeting .;ember to offer an amendment at the Town <br />' YleetinP7 as any section of Article 59 could be amended separ- <br />ately. Mention was also made of precinct meetings to which <br />the public is invited and. at �.�hich time persons may make ob- <br />jections to proposals it they so desired. <br />