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ELEMENTARY Read to the Board was a January 13, 1957 letter from the <br />SCHOOL Elementary School Facilities Committee, signed by Mr. Robert C. <br />FACILITIES Jackson, Secretary of said committee, and addressed to Nr. Snow <br />COMTTEE requesting that he meet with the committee some Thursday even- <br />ing or Saturday morning and give the committee details in re- <br />gard to the location and size of residential developments now in <br />progress and possible future developments. <br />After discussing the matter the Board drafted a reply to Mr. <br />Jackson, in which it was stated that (1) in keeping with a policy <br />adopted several weeks ago by the Planning Board, Mr. Snow had referred <br />to the Board, as he was requested to do so I$r. Jackson's January 13, <br />1957 letter addressed to Mr. Snow; (2) this was done because the volume <br />of requests for Ioir. Snow's time had increased to a point where he had <br />little time left for the pursuit of the duties the Planning Board had <br />assigned to him; (3) at its meeting January 22nd the Board had dis- <br />cussed 1r. Jackson's letter and suggested that he and the Committee, <br />or such members as -are able to do so, meet with the Board on some Mon- <br />day evening in the near future to discuss such matters concerning <br />which the Committee is seeking information; (u) a convenient appoint- <br />ment for all concerned could be arranged by calling the Board's office <br />in the Barnes Building. PIr. Snow was requested to have the draft <br />typed the following day for It% Hathaway's signature. <br />SEAMY LAND Read to the Board, approved by the same, and signed by the <br />FOR PLAY- Chairman was a letter dated January 17, 1957 and addressed to the <br />GROUND AND Selectmen requesting that they place an article in the warrant for ' <br />RECREATIONAL the town meeting asking the Town to purchase the land described and <br />PURPOSES for the price specified in the conformed copies of instruments be- <br />ing enclosed with the letter, the first instrument being one in which <br />Nr. and 1Irs. Seabury granted to the Town an option to purchase land <br />for playground and recreational purposes, the second in which the <br />option purchase price of $1160 was set forth. <br />ASSOCIATES Also read to the Board, approved by the same and signed by <br />REALTY the Chairman was a letter dated Jan. 22, 1957 and addressed to the <br />TRUST Associates Realty Trust requesting that, at or before the public hear- <br />ing on the Trust's application for a Planning Board determination in <br />regard to said Trust's proposed hotel plans, the Board would like to <br />have submitted the following additional information and material; <br />(1) A second set of building plans; (2) Sketches and/or per- <br />spectives showing the contemplated exterior of the building as viewed <br />from the direction of the Route 128 Massachusetts Avenue and Route <br />128-11arrett Road intersections, the points of view from which said <br />sketches or perspectives are taken to be located on the site plan; <br />(3) On the previously submitted or on a new site plan: (a) The bound- <br />aries of the present A 1 district and the boundaries of the parcel of <br />land on which the proposed hotel is to be built; (b) the location and <br />size of the proposed water main which will service the facilit3r; (4) <br />a detailed sewer plan including building plans and elevations of the <br />pumping station, consulting with the Superintendent of Public Works <br />before submitting this plan; (5) renewals from the State Department <br />of Public Works of Permit #4-3229, dated August 3, 1955 and Permit <br />F-13151, issued September 23, 1955 <br />