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Mr. Smith told the Board that we are now getting ready for our flu <br />immunization clinic. He said the vaccine in the fall will not protect <br />against the Asian flu. It is Ann Arbor, Miss. and Chile tri -valent. <br />Mr. Smith said there is another being manufactured for December but it <br />is for people 35 years or under. <br />The Board discussed how the School Department has come out with a policy <br />on AIDS but has not contacted the Board of Health at all. The Board was <br />in agreement that some representatives of the school department should <br />be invited in to the next meeting. <br />Mr. Smith told the Board that Seragen has moved to Hopkinton, Collaborative <br />Research has moved to Bedford and has applied for a permit there, Genetic <br />Research thought of moving to Lexington but has decided to go to Andover. <br />Andover has adopted Lexington's regulations. <br />Mr. Smith told the Board that he had published the changes of our regula- <br />tions in the paper. <br />Dr. Goldmann brought up the problem of the trucks at the Sand & Gravel Co. <br />on Adams Street. He said the "noise of the backpup" of the trucks is <br />annoying to the residents, as is the dust created from the business. <br />Dr. Goldmann wants to know the proper approach to have something done <br />about this. <br />The Director said he could complain to Air Pollution or to Burlington <br />Health Department. <br />Dr. Goldmann wanted to know if the town would represent the residents <br />but the Director said "no" the residents have to have their input - they <br />should start by banding together and complaining to Burlington as the <br />sand pit is in Burlington or they can first talk to Lexington Police - <br />maybe they could take it up with Burlington. <br />Mr. Smith told the Board that the sand and gravel company owns the road <br />(Adams Street). <br />One of the members said he knew Dr. Castle of the Burlington Board of <br />Health and he will talk to him to see what can be done. The big problem <br />is that the sand and gravel company is in another town. <br />Mr. Smith reported that the Hazardous Waste Day will be held on October <br />25th at the Public Works Building on Bedford Street. This year we will <br />be having the Town of Lincoln join us as part of our program. <br />Mr. Smith told the Board that there had been an article published in <br />the Journal of Public Health in regard to a brochure that he had pre- <br />pared and printed on "Social Functions and Catering/Church Functions." <br />There have been many requests for this brochure from all over the <br />country. <br />Dr. Asarkof brought up the point that he feels some of these eating <br />places in town should be closed down. Places like Denny's, Peking <br />Gardens and Maunder's are pig pens. <br />Mr. Smith said that Denny's is bad. He said we can bring them in for <br />a hearing. <br />