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347.. <br />BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING <br />JUNE 2, 1970 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held June 2, <br />1970 at 7:00 P.M. in'the Board of Health Office, trailer #4, <br />Members present were: Dr. William Cosgrove,Chairman; Mr. James <br />Lambie, Dr. Charles Ellicott and Robert Heustis, Director of <br />Public Health. <br />Minutes of the May 2, 1970 meeting were approved as submitted. <br />Mr. Heustis reported that a site inspection made today at McELNAN'S <br />Donald McElman's, 74 Blossomcrest Road, showed that the horse was HORSE <br />still on the premises in violation of the order issued May 2, 1970. <br />Dr. Cosgrove explained to Dr. Ellicott that a number of com- <br />plaints had been received regarding the keeping of this horse <br />and an order had been sent giving Mr. McElman a month to make <br />other arrangements for stabeling the horse. He went on to ex- <br />plain that the McElman's had requested an extension of time in <br />order to sell their house but this was not granted by the Board. <br />Dr. Ellicott asked if the horse couldn't be boarded some <br />place in Lexingtton. <br />Dr. Cosgrove said "Yes" and he would be willing to grant <br />a two week extension for the McElman's to find other quarters <br />for the horse but he would not grant an extension of time for <br />them to sell their house because that could go on for a year <br />or more. He said he felt that the number of complaints we had <br />in one month was justification to revoke this permit. <br />Mr. Hopkins a neighbor of the McElman's attended this por- <br />tion of the meeting as a visitor. Dr. Cosgrove asked him if <br />the horse was still there and he replied Yes. <br />Motion was made and duly passed to grant Mr. McElman two <br />weeks to make other stable arrangements for his house, if this <br />was not done then a complaint was to be filed in Concord Dis- <br />trict Court. <br />Mr. Heustis was instructed to notify Mr. McElman of the <br />action of the Board. <br />Mr. Heustis reported that vandalism at the "Old Res" <br />would delay the opening to the public. He said the two flow <br />developers were tipped over and the wires wrapped around the <br />impellers, also the motors would have to be checked to see <br />if they had water in them. Cement abuttments were also <br />knocked over. There has also been complaints of horses being <br />ridden into the water on some of the real hot days. The police <br />have been patroling this area but as soon as they order people <br />out of the Res and drive off they go right back again. If this <br />vandalism continues there will be very little swimming at the <br />Res. <br />"OLD RES" <br />Mr. O'Connell, Town Manager, has contacted Mr. Jason Cortell <br />requesting an estimate of the cost to do the water testing this <br />