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Province of the <br />r ;;W Maf3'achufetts-Bay, <br />4121 <br />1] <br />nac4t"S� <br />e E X 1 R,4 C 2" of two. Clades or Paragraphs fro,,, <br />N L <br />Paf%d by the Great and GeneralCourtor Af%mbly of His MajeAy'sProvince ofthe'MVaff'ach2, ,_tts- <br />Bay in New -England; Begun and held at Bofion upon Wednefday, the Twenty-fifth Day of May 1748; and continued by <br />Prorogation and Adjournments to Wednefday the Twenty-firfl:Day of December following, and then met,; Entitled, 11i; hct <br />for drawing in the Bills of'Credit of the feveral Denominations which have at any Time been ilued by. -this Government j rd <br />areffill ou0anding, and for afeertaining the Rate of coin'd Silver-?uthis Province for the future,. <br />it further enaam. That there be and hereby is granted unto his molt excellent Majefty a Tax of Se., 7 y_ <br />five I'houfan4Pounds to be levied on Polls and Eftates both Real and Perfonal within this Province, according to <br />fuch Rules 'a in fuch Proportions on the feveral Towns and Difi_rias. within the fame, as (hall be agreed upon <br />and ordered by this Court t their' Sefiion in May One Thoufand (even Hundred and forty-nine,. to be paid into the pub;ich <br />Treafury on or before the aft of December then next.enfuipg : And the,Tax afowfaid is herebydeclared to be payable in Bilis <br />of Credit.of the new Form and Tenor, or ;of the ' middle Form p,4 Tenor, accor`di gg to their refjgEtive Denomivatiens, min <br />$ills of the, old Tenor, .accouRting four for one, : ' or in Spanifh milIVt Dollars at the. Rate of eleven Shillgigs n r l f1>ill Pen,, ear , <br />anb be "it further engt'teb,. That in Cafe the General Cql.'it§1 fnall not at illeir Sefirons in Mny, and before the to ;n:+, h <br />Day of. June One Thoufadd feven Hundred and forty-nine, agree and conclude upon an Aft apportioning die Sum n'ca <br />yy�jgeyb �n ;Ad fhalldieini faid Year apportioned, aifef ed atiyvied, that then and in fuck Cafe' wh TbW11 and L r,ic`' <br />„hin this PrQvjnc lli�it url�� (by a lax to,F� levied:o l tj1, . p tes .both Real anrl Perfonal within their Di iris <br />the'farrie Proportion of the faid Snm as the ihirl_ owns'and Difkr . ave been, taxed by'the Generali' h.irt fri the 2 Aq <br />then ]aft preceeding ; and the Province Treafurer is hereby fully tnpowred and direL`ted fome Time in the Month cfjtt:;e in til L2 <br />Year One Thoufand f even Hundred and. forty-nine; to ilfiie and fer3d forth his Warrants dire&ed to the Seleft,Meh or Affic$brs of <br />each Town and Diftri within tliisProvince, requiring them to affefs the Polls and Eftates both Real and Perfonal- wifnfn. --.thei- <br />feveralTowns and Di(tritts for their refpeEiive Part and Proportion .of the Sum beforg direaed and �nga be afieffithi and <br />C1te Af e ors as alfa Perfons.afie(fed, 1}fall obferve, be governed by and fubjeEt to all fuch Rules and Direftions as (hall have been <br />given in the Taft preceeding Tax Aft ; and if there be anySurplufage it (hall remain._a Stock in the Treafury. <br />N. B. 2'HE Part or Proportion, agrebble to the lafi preceeding Zax-4Ei,. which eacb Town or D riEi' within this Proz i;ue <br />is to be afje.#Bd and yay. of the abovefaid Seventy-five Thoufand Pounds in Bills of Credit, 'tbisprefent Year One ThCufand <br />feven Hundred and forty-nine as . alfa their Reprefentatives Pay Three in, <br />five Hundred and feventy-two'Pcunds <br />feventeen Shillings and fix Pence, is the feveral Sums following, That is to fay, <br />In the County of SUFFOLK, <br />Reprefentatives Pay, Province 2'ax, Sum Total, <br />£. $. d. r. s. d. <br />BOSTON, log 12 6— 135o6 o o Thirteen thoufandfiixhundred &nine pounds twelve Mill.&fix pen. r36 g 1z 6 <br />Roxbury, 32 17 6 - 698 o o, Seven hundred and thirty pounds feventeen fhillings and fix pence 730 17 6 <br />Dorchefler, 32 17 6 _ 661 �r o — Six hundred and ninety four pounds two fhilliings and fix pence 6 2 6 <br />Milton, 39 2 6 -- 305 15 o - Three hundred and forty four pounds feventeen fhillings and fixpence .694 <br />i 6 <br />Braintree, 39 2 6 — 731 . o o - Seven hundred and fi vv�nty pounds two fhillings and fix pence 7 <br />` Weymouth, 39 15 0 — 423 1 o — Four hundred and fifty o pounds and fixteen fhillings770 2 6 <br />Hingbmu, 31 7 6 — 789 u 0 = Eight hundred and twenty pounds eighteen fhillings and fix pence 820 18 6 <br />Dedham, 35 15 0 520 10 0 — Five hundred and fifty fix pounds and five Millings <br />7Vledfield; 35 7 6 = 317 6 o — Three hundred and fifty two pounds thirteen Millings and fix pence 352 13 6 <br />Wrentham, 39 17 6 '- 419 3 6 ^ Four hundred and fifty nine pounds and fix pence <br />Medway, <br />e bran 35 2 6 -- 187 18 o — Two hundred and twenty three pounds and fix pence 2 3 0 6 <br />g 39 15 o — 385 o o — Four hundred and twenty four pounds and fifteen fhillings 4'-4 10 6 <br />Hull, 00 0 0 — 167 6 o — One hundred and"fixty feven pounds and fix Millings 16 6 o <br />Brookline, 00 0 0 — 250 1 0 — Two hundred and fifty pounds and one Milling 250 1 0 <br />Needham,' 00 0 0 — 223 6 o — Two hundred and twenty three pounds and fix fhillings 22 6 o <br />7 -Bellingham, oo o o 84 1 o o — Eighty four pounds and ten Millings 3 <br />a7hnle. ..00.. �n n =-. Tin ,n _ n 1 ...7rr . 84 10 0 <br />