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Mr. Helburn appeared before the Board at 8:25 p.m. and the <br />Chairman submitted the opinion received from the Town Qounsel. <br />Mr. Helburn retired at 8:30 p.m. <br />The Board then gave further consideration to the application <br />of the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. for permission to construct a garage <br />at the corner of Lincoln And School Streets on property owned by <br />Emily R. Scheibe. Upon motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Locke, <br />it was voted to deny the petition in the following form: <br />BOARD OF AVIkALS DENIAL <br />The Board of Appeals, acting under the Lexington Zoning By-law <br />and General Laws, Chapter 40, Sections 25 to 30 as amended, having <br />received a written petition addressed to it by Lovell nus Lines, Inc. <br />a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a public hearing thereon <br />of which notice was mailed to the petitioner and to the ownersof <br />all property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby as they <br />appear on the most recent local tax list, and also advertised in the <br />Lexington Minute -Man, a newspaper published in Lexington, which <br />hearing was held in the Selectmen's Room, in the Town Office Building <br />on Five regular members of the Board of Appeals were present at the <br />hearing. A certificate of notice is hereto annexed. At this hearing <br />evidence was offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show: <br />That the petitioner wished to construct a garage at the corner <br />of Lincoln & School Streets and also wished to use the driveways <br />in connection with the garage, both for the use of the garage and <br />for the purpose of connecting with a house to be constructed in the <br />rear. This driveway will be in the residential area. The petitioner <br />stated that he wished to house 10 to 12 buses in this garage and <br />that the garage would be operated from six in the morning until <br />midnight; that the garage would be set back 20f from the street <br />line and the rear wall of the garage would be on the ridge of the <br />business zone. The petitioner stated that the garage would be operated <br />in such a manner as not to disturb the neighborhood; that only minor <br />repairs, such as greasing and washing would be done in the building; <br />that the buses would occasionally be parked on the paved area adjacent <br />to the building in the residential district. The petitioner stated <br />jhat there would be a waiting room within the building to serve those <br />people in the neighborhood. The petitioner stated that the location of <br />the garage in this area would enalbe the company to furnish better <br />transportation to the town. <br />Evidence was offered on behalf of citizens opposing the <br />granting of the said petition tending to show that the operation of <br />a bus terminal at the above location would be detetmental to the <br />neighborhood. Approximately 26 persons were opposed to granting the <br />said petition. One adjacent property owner was in favor of granting <br />the petition. <br />At the close of the hearing the Board in private session <br />March 8, 1946 gave consideration to the subject of the petition <br />and voted unanimously in favor of the following findings: <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />