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At 8 P. M. hearing was declared open on the application <br />of crank A. Napoli for permission to maintain a roadside stand <br />on Marrett "oad about 200 feet northwesterly from Middle Street <br />for the sale of products of his land only. <br />The notice of the hearing was read by the Clerk. <br />The application was for renewal of a permit granted <br />previously. The Chairman asked if there was any new reason <br />why the Board shouldrant the permit and Mr. Napoli,said <br />that there was not. The Chairman asked Mr. Napoli if he <br />was still raising all the products that he sold and he said <br />that he was. Mr. Napoli said that cars never parked on the <br />road and there was always plenty of room in his driveway. <br />No persons appeared in opposition, and the hearing was <br />declared closed and Mr. Napoli retired. <br />The Chairman read a letter which he had received from <br />Charles M. Blake who stated that he wished to be recorded <br />in opposition to the granting of the permit. <br />It was voted to grant the permit in the following form: <br />BOARD OF APPEALS PERMIT. <br />The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws, Chapter <br />40, Sec. 27, having received a written petition addressed <br />to it by Frank A. Napoli, a copy of which is hereto annexed, <br />held a public hearing thereon of which notice was mailed <br />to the petitioner and to the owners of all property deemed <br />by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the <br />most ceppt oval tax list and also advertised in the:Lex- <br />irgton �$u4Y� %per published in Lexington, which hearing was <br />help in the Selectmen's Room, in the Town Office Building <br />on the 8th day of May, 1936. <br />All of the members of the Board of Appeals were present <br />at the hearing. A certificate of notice is hereto annexed. <br />At this hearing evidence was offered on behalf of the petitioner <br />tending to show: That he wished a permit for a -period oP <br />one year expiring May 8, 1937, to conduct a roadside stand <br />on property of Frank A. & Mary Napoli located on Marrett Road <br />and Middle Street. That there had been no changes made in <br />connection with the existing roadside stand and that there <br />had been no parking of automobiles on Marrett Road. <br />No evidence was offered in opposition. <br />At the close of the hearing the Board in private session <br />on May 8th, 1936 gave consideration to the subject of the <br />petition and voted unanimously in favor of the following findings: <br />1. That in its judgment the public convenience and <br />welfare will be substantially served by the making of the <br />exception requested. <br />2. That the exception requested will not tend to <br />impair the status of the neighborhood. <br />3. That the exception requested will be in harmony with <br />the general purposesrand intent of the regulm tions in the <br />Lexington Zoning By-law. <br />n <br />I <br />