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Ji <br /> FINAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED UNDER <br /> ARTICLE 76 OF THE 1971 TOWN MEETING <br /> This Committee was established to study, conclude and recommend on the <br /> subject matter of the resolution presented in Article 76 of the 1971 Annual Town <br /> "eating (See copy attached) At that timer a "Special Commission Established to <br /> C.volop a Master Plan and Program. for Taxation within the Commonwealth", estab- <br /> lished by thu Legislature in 1967; appeared to be presenting a comprehensive tax <br /> revision proposal to the General Court While certain sections of the Commission's <br /> proposals wore adopted, they were used to provide funds for specific revenue pro- <br /> ble,ee, and the overall thrust of the Commission's proposals to reallocate the tax <br /> burden of the Commonwealth was not achieved to any real degree. <br /> We have gathered evidence concerning the tax burden of Massachusetts citizens <br /> and industry as compared to that borne in other states, together with the impli- <br /> cations that this has for our future economic well being We are transmitting <br /> one such study along with this report <br /> In studying the Master Tax Plan Commission's interim reports, we conclude <br /> that it has always been more a long-range study and less a specific tax pronram <br /> groposal . Other groups have reached this same conclusion (see editorial attached) <br /> Significant changes have taken place in both the Commonwealth's revenue needs and <br /> ta; burden disbribution objectives since the Master Tax Plan Commission prepared <br /> its study recommendations Increased costs of state, county, and local government, <br /> now nec.ds , and court decisions related to the equality of public education funded <br /> solely by local property tax revenues, all cause us to conclude that a new and <br /> more thorough going comprehensive tax study is needed for the Commonwealth that <br /> the Master Tax Plan Commission has much more work to do before it can present a <br /> snncific tax legislation program. Because such a specific program is not avail- <br /> able, we do not feel it would be wise for us to report to you on what the majority <br /> of this committee took to be its primary purpose; to assess and report on the impact <br /> of specific {gaster Tax Plan Commission proposals on the Town and taxpayers of <br /> Lm ; notch. <br /> The issues of equitable tax burdens and revenue sources will be with us for <br /> sore tiro to com9. There will be many specific and general proposals put before <br /> the General Court in the years ahead They are complex matters requiring careful <br /> study and evaluation before being commented upon Because the Board of Selectmen, <br /> not the Town Meeting, is the ongoing executive body to which others liik to re- <br /> present the Town on legislative matters, we have concluded that a Committee of <br /> cur nature could most effectively act as an advisory body to the Selectmen. We <br /> conclude that it would be helpful to the Board of Selectmen to have available to <br /> them a citizen's advisory committee that would provide them with a broad cross- <br /> section of opinion on specific tax legislation before the General Court; a group <br /> that could study and recommend on such legislation as it affects the Town and tax- <br /> payers of Lexington When appropriate, the Selectmen, or their advisory committer, <br /> could pro cnt to the Town Mooting well documented resolutions for forwarding to <br /> the General Court or Commonwealth officials <br />