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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING <br /> AGENDAITEM TITLE: <br /> Application: Entertainment License - LABBB Collaborative, Depot Parking Lot, 0 Meriam <br /> Street <br /> PRE E TER• ITEM <br /> S N . <br /> NUMBER: <br /> D o ug Luc ente, S elec t B o ard C hair <br /> C.3 <br /> S UMMARY: <br /> Category:Decision-Making <br /> LABBB Collaborative/Steve Eastrid�e.� <br /> LABBB C o llab orative/S teve Eastridge has requested an Entertainment Lic ens e for the purp o s e o f live b ands <br /> during the L exingto n B B Q F e s tival o n S aturd ay, June 8, 2024. T he live mus ic al p erfo rmanc e s will take p lac e at <br /> the munic ip al p arking lo t b ehind the D ep o t B uild ing(to the le ft o f the p arking attend ant), 0 M eriam S tre et fro m <br /> 12:OOp m to 8:OOp m. T here will b e fo ur b and s p laying at two-ho ur intervals b eginning at 12:OOp m and end ing b y <br /> 8:OOp m. <br /> SUGGESTED MOTION: <br /> To approve an Entertainment License for LABBB Collaborative/Steve Eastridge for the purpose of providing <br /> live mus ic al p erfo rmanc e s fo r p atro ns o f the L exingto n B B Q F e s tival to take p lac e o n S aturd ay, June 8, 2024 <br /> at the munic ip al p arking lo t b ehind the D ep o t Building(to the left o f the p arking attendant), 0 Meriam <br /> S tre et fro m 12:OOp m to 8:OOp m. <br /> Move to approve the consent. <br /> FOLLOW-UP: <br /> S elect Board O ffic e <br /> DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: <br />