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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING <br /> AGENDAITEM TITLE: <br /> Application: Entertainment License - Chinese American Association of Lexington(CAAL), <br /> V'isitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue <br /> PRE E TER• ITEM <br /> S N . <br /> NUMBER: <br /> D o ug Luc ente, S elec t B o ard C hair <br /> C.1 <br /> S UMMARY: <br /> Category:Decision-Making <br /> Chinese American Association of Lexin�ton(CAAL): <br /> � <br /> The Chinese American Association of Lexington(CAAL)has submitted an application requesting approval <br /> for an Entertainment License for the purpose of live performances, radio/recorded music and disc jockeys <br /> during the 2024 B o s to n A s ian Internatio nal Mus ic F e s tival o n S aturday, June 22, 2024. T he live mus ic al <br /> p erfo rmanc e s will take p lac e o n the Vis ito rs C enter L awn, 18 7 5 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue fro m 5:OOp m to <br /> 8:30pm. <br /> SUGGESTED MOTION: <br /> To ap p ro ve an Entertainment L ic ens e fo r the C hine s e Americ an A s s o c iatio n o f L exingto n(C AA L) fo r the <br /> purpose of providing live musical performances, radio/recorded music and disc jockeys for patrons of the <br /> 2 024 B o s to n A s ian I nternatio nal Mus ic F e s tival to take p lac e o n S aturd ay, June 22, 2024 fro m 5:OOp m to <br /> 8:30pm on the Visitors C enter Lawn, 1875 Mas sachus etts Avenue. <br /> Move to approve the consent. <br /> FOLLOW-UP: <br /> S elect Board O ffic e <br /> DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: <br />