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PLACEHOLDER <br /> S�I��t ��►ard ��rr�rnitt�e as a member to the <br /> A ir� rr� � - F rr f r 20-Ma -24 0 a Fund for Lexington Board <br /> pp� t � t u d c� Y re resentin the Trustees of the <br /> L�xir�gt�r� -Tru�t��� �f p g <br /> �ubli�Trust� IVi�rrrl��r Public Trusts <br /> �pprov� ��I�ct �c�ard T�r� IVlizr�l�i i� up fc�r r��pp�intr��r�t <br /> �ommitt�e I��a oir�tm�nt 20-IV1�y-24 0 d �� L�xH�� t�rrn �r�d� 5/31 <br /> pp ( ) <br /> Application from Kat Zonghetti, <br /> ��qu��t f�r Lic�r���to ��II Stormalong Cider. to sell at the <br /> �t Farr°��r�' IVl�rk�t- 20-IV1�y-24 0 0 Lexington Farmers' Market for the <br /> ��orr°��lar�g �id�r 2024 season for off premise <br /> consumption <br /> . J�hr� Zh��f�r the ��ur��il �n Agir�g; <br /> ��nfirrn Tc�wn Man�ger 20-I�� -24 0 0 ��rl F�r�t�si�f�r th� F��cr��ti�r� <br /> �ommittee Reappoir�trnents y <br /> �or�r�itt��; Drs ��Il�r f�r th� ��H <br /> Approve Sele�t �oarcl 4/24 , 4/29 �on�ult�nt Int�rvi��v� <br /> IVlinute� 20-IV1�y-24 0 0 r�� b�4/29 �� �� ular <br /> ( y g ) <br /> Appr�v� a�nd Sigr� <br /> P'r��l�rr�ati�r� -��I Fr�li�k 20-IVI� -24 0 0 ��r requ��t fr�r� �uzie ��rrys �h� <br /> ��y ir� L�xir�gtc�r� <br /> y uvill vvrite tl�� prc��l�r�r��ti�r� <br /> �pprc�v� L�xir�gtor� Lic�r�s <br /> Club �arr�iv�l 20-I�ay-24 0 0 Annual Lions Club Carnival Permit <br /> Hearng - Liquor License <br /> Arr��ndmer�t- �ermans Wlne <br /> and S irits 55 Applicati�n�trar�sf�r�f St��k- <br /> � requir�s � he�rir�g, �dv�rti�ir�g <br /> IVlas���hus�tt�Av�nue - 20-IV1�y-24 10 1 ���rir� ir� 5/9/24 Mir�ut�r��r� <br /> �hange (�f(Jffi��r�, �h�ng� g <br /> r��vu�p�p�r(�dv a� �ppr�x 6;30prn) <br /> of�tock, P'I�dg� of��Ilat�ral <br /> ancl �hang� of IVlanager <br /> Liquor Li��ns�Arr��rrdment- <br /> II �asale 1727 r�qu��t to �xp�nd liqu�r licen�� <br /> IVlassachu��tt�Avenu� - ����r�ge to tl��t�bl�s II ����le ���s <br /> Ex n i n f r mi f r 20-IV1�y-24 5 2 �r� T�wr� �r�p�r�y�dv�rti�ing r� <br /> pa � o e� p e se o 5/9/24 I�ir�ut�r��r� r��w�p�p�r(�dv <br /> Outr��►car�ining c�n Towr� �� � rc�x 6s30 rr, <br /> �wr�ed Sidewalk pp p ) <br /> P�wer�pti�r�s ��rr�pl�ted th� Fle�t <br /> . . Electrific�ti�n R��dr�ap, thi� i� � <br /> Power Optians Pres�r�tation r��er�t�ti�r� tc�th� ���rd �n th� <br /> or� Fl�et Ele�trifi��tia►n 20-I��y-24 20 3 � <br /> ro�dr��p t�el�ctrify th�To�rr�'s fl��ts <br /> I�oadmap ��r�tr��t�r h�s b��r� ir�forrr�ed of I��y <br /> 20 �s th�d�y tc� �tt�r�d <br />