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SELECT BOARD MEETING <br /> Monday, May 6, 2024 <br /> Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 - Hybrid Participation* <br /> 6:30 P M <br /> AGENDA <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> P ub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minute s at the b eginning o f eac h me eting. E ac h s p eaker is <br /> limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. M emb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to <br /> ask questions of clarif'ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- <br /> 4 5 8 0 if they wis h to s p eak during p ub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing me eting time s. <br /> SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS <br /> 1. S elec t B o ard M emb er Anno unc ements and L iais o n R ep o rts <br /> TOWN MANAGER REPORT <br /> 1. Town Manager Weekly Update <br /> CONSENT AGENDA <br /> 1. Ap p lic atio n: Entertainment L ic ens e- C hine s e Americ an A s s o c iatio n o f L exingto n <br /> (CAAL), Visitors Center LaWn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue <br /> • 2024 Boston Asian International Music Festival <br /> 2. Application: One-Day Liquor Licenses - LABBB Collaborative, Depot Parking <br /> Lot, 0 Meriam S treet <br /> • (2) L exingto n B B Q F e s tival <br /> 3. Ap p lic atio n: Entertainment L ic ens e- LAB B B C o llab o rative, D ep o t P arking L o t, 0 <br /> Meriam S treet <br /> • Lexington BB Q F estival <br /> 4. Ap p lic atio n: Lic ens e fo r P ub lic Entertainment o n S unday- LAB B B C o llab o rative, <br /> Depot P arking Lot, 0 Meriam S treet <br /> • Lexington BB Q F estival <br /> 5. Application: One-Day Liquor Licenses - Spectacle Management, Inc., 1605 <br /> Mas s ac hus etts Avenue <br /> • C o lin Mo c hrie and B rad S herwo o d <br /> • Andy S ummers <br /> • Christopher Cro s s <br /> • The High Kings <br /> 6. Approve S elect Board Meeting Minutes <br /> • April 10, 2024 S elect Board <br /> • April 10, 2024 Joint S elect Board,Appropriation C ommittee and C apital <br /> Exp enditures C ommittee <br />