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I � <br /> C�:iVTL,R FiiVZ�'ALZL�IZ`SUN CU;�li4ITTE� minute� l�/10/81 p .� <br /> . Hnw dif'f'ic�zl.t is it to go shop�ing--gettin� there , roadg etc.. <br /> e Reserve space for service furactions . <br /> .�liminate Iet't turns aU Center by usin� Worthen R�ad . <br /> . U'ss your shc�rt alleyways ana streets in Center. <br /> . Goii�� west on t�laes �sve you have only � l�nas . CreAte <br /> a place to pull in to talk to police t,o kPep ]sanes m�vinE. <br /> . Pool the parking apaaQs--parkin` gara�e under�roux�cl . ' <br /> . Co�t of parkl.n� �paee uncler�round--yp7 to E3,OO�i, $p8 a. cla,}r. <br /> . 15 yrs ago thin�cs startea to �o wrong. <br /> . Public he��,ring i.s where the standa�rd� are set up. <br /> The meetl.n� :contSnuea . <br /> 2'he queatianaire re�ardin�� shcappin� h�,bite waa di�cus3ed ; 2,50U <br /> households were to be aui�veyed i.n how they uee th4 Canter. <br /> ��i:tu'C conaucteci e:urvey of Center a.nd comp�rison of ho�r we �.r. e <br /> cic>in� in eompetiLion with other centor� ( int�rcity survey) was <br /> also aiscuased . <br /> '1'he su��;eata.on was made tha.t B, t? e :�I�rket research mi�ht be � b1e <br /> to �et eome things done to �upnlement . <br /> 'ihe interpretation of' tha quc�sLionaix°� is important . :�Ir . Col]�;zzo <br /> �aid he would be glad Lo take a look at i.t . <br /> =� u�� <br /> Several. ueeful. sug�estion� �nd observatSc�n� were made by membe�e� <br /> 1 . Di1'fez�ent use of' the Center--hour: open, etc . , Thurs . ni�ht"t <br /> � . i�estaurants can bE a ma�net . <br /> 3 . Shoppin� i��eds to be rnore e� 1'icient--one-etop shopphn�m�plan it.. ` <br /> 4 , Towr� ii�l1 sh�u].d be opera one nitnt a week. <br /> 5. �Jea �: Thur� are superma.rket shopp3.n� days , c�p�.talize ran it. <br /> 6 . 4dorkin� wcmen ch�,n�e traf'f'ic and the ti�ne when they can �hop . <br /> '( . The question that is not ask_ed �a;� be the mast important. <br /> Don ' L a:�k a queetion unle�s you know what ta do with it. : <br /> The :neotin�r ad,joUrned a,t 2: j5, I <br /> � Lnizr2, Nichols , i�f� nLite taker ' <br /> � � �i o t.�'11. � <br />