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REPORT. <br />THE WARREN SCHOOL has continued through the year <br />under the charge of Miss ISABELLA CUTLER, and gives us <br />no grounds for comment beyond the repetition in substance <br />of what we have said in commendation before. During <br />the winter term, — unlike nearly all the other schools, — it <br />has had a more than usually regular attendance. The <br />progress made in the studies has been satisfactory, the de- <br />portment good ; and the state of the school, in all respects, <br />such as cause regret that Miss Cutler feels compelled, by <br />considerations chiefly of health, to decline a re-election. <br />Six years of faithful, conscientious, and successful work en- <br />title her to our grateful acknowledgments. It is pleasant <br />to know, that she carries with her the warm affection of her <br />pupils, and the respect and good -will of their parents. <br />The FRANKLIN SCHOOL, in the care of Miss FRANCES M. <br />PARKER, has presented a pleasant and gratifying instance <br />of quiet, methodical, and useful work, the value of which, <br />we think, may fail of its just recognition in some measure, <br />because it is so still and unpretending. The number of <br />pupils has been somewhat larger than the year before, <br />though the actual attendance during the last term has been <br />less, owing to the prevalence of sickness, especially of <br />scarlet fever. One member of the school has died of this <br />disease. We particularly commend the neatness and econ- <br />