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4 <br />beginner in the profession. Mr. Dennett is a person of very <br />quiet demeanor and retiring disposition ; and the school <br />under his charge displayed less precision and promptitude in <br />the recitations than a year ago. But the Committee were <br />satisfied with the progress of the pupils in their studies, and <br />much pleased with the evident happiness and good feeling of <br />the school under a discipline at once gentle and firm. <br />The FRANKLIN (SOUTH) SCHOOL has enjoyed throughout <br />the year a high order of instruction. The teacher during the <br />Summer Term — Miss M. A. JOSLIN, of Leominster — is <br />possessed in an unusual degree of the qualities which secure <br />success in a teacher, — quickness, decision, and an ener- <br />getic manner. The school rapidly improved, during the <br />summer, in all respects. It has been taught through the <br />winter by Miss MARY A. SMITH, a teacher of long experience <br />and good qualifications. She has given general satisfaction ; <br />has attracted the warm affection of her pupils, and secured <br />a good degree of improvement in study. The deportment of <br />the school is not yet so good as is desirable. <br />The HOWARD (NORTH-EAST) SCHOOL has been throughout <br />the year in charge of Miss ZELINDA D. JOHNSON ; and has <br />made rapid improvement, especially during the last term. <br />A part of the first terns was virtually lost by the pupils, <br />except as they were preparing for future progress in learn- <br />ing the somewhat peculiar methods of the teacher. Once <br />accustomed to these, they made good progress ; and, at the <br />closing examination, very satisfactory results were shown. <br />This school is very small in numbers. At the last examina- <br />tion, there were only seventeen pupils present. Such an <br />inequality as is thus shown seems to indicate the propriety <br />of some change by which the numbers of the different <br />schools may be made more nearly equal. <br />Of the ADAMS SCHOOL (East Village), the Committee could <br />repeat almost verbally what they said last year. The Pri- <br />rr <br />5 <br />mary Department, under Miss NASH, has been in unexcep- <br />tionable condition throughout the year ; and the exercises <br />at both examinations were in all points excellent and inte- <br />resting. <br />The Grammar Department, under the charge of Mr. OLIVER <br />P. RODGERS, has manifested the same traits as previously. <br />While a very fair, and, we judge, improved state of discipline <br />has been maintained, it has been by the use of stringent <br />means, and without the hearty cheerfulness and acquiescence <br />on the part of the pupils, which is so very desirable. As to <br />scholarship, the examination at the close of the year was <br />very satisfactory, especially in grammar. In this respect, <br />the school suffers but little by comparison with any school <br />in town. We are of opinion, that it requires but the help- <br />ful and considerate sympathy of the parents both with pupils <br />and the teacher to put this school upon a footing with <br />the best. The Committee feel great pleasure in view of the <br />anticipated removal of the Adams School into a new house, <br />and hope that a corresponding improvement will be seen in <br />the spirit that animates the school. <br />The HANCOCK (CENTRE) SCHOOL has completed a prosper- <br />ous year under the charge of Misses DUDLEY and RUSSELL. <br />The latter has displayed in the Primary Department a union <br />of gentleness, firmness, and earnest effort, which has pro- <br />duced the natural result in an improving condition of her <br />school. It does not, however, yet come up to the standard <br />desired for it ; and we hope to see it still improving. <br />Of the Grammar Department, under Miss Dudley, we can <br />speak in the warmest terms. Iii point of progress, of disci- <br />pline, of thoroughness, and of animated interest in the duties <br />of the school, we think few schools equal this ; and we desire <br />to award to Miss Dudley full praise for the unremitting <br />industry and resolute energy with which she has labored. <br />Miss Dudley, early in the term, signified her intention of <br />leaving at the end of the year ; and, several days before the <br />close of the term, communicated to the Prudential and <br />