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REPORT, <br />Yours Superintending School Committee, fellow -citizens, now <br />submit for your consideration, their Annual Report ; giving such <br />further information pertaining to the condition and wants of your <br />schools, as their labors the past year have enabled thein to obtain. <br />We cannot but express our gratification in the degree of success <br />with which most of our schools have been conducted during the <br />past year. <br />The South-east Grammar Department, under the care of a <br />gentleman of ability, gave the Committee fair satisfaction. In <br />the Primary, although in the charge of a lady of acknowledged <br />talents, we have not found that happy state of things we could <br />wish. From some cause or other, there were wanting that <br />harmony and sympathy between teacher and pupils, so essential <br />to a good degree of success. We believe the teacher to have <br />been faithful according to the best of her judgment, and your <br />Committee found the school, at its close, in quite as good condition <br />as, under all circumstances, they had anticipated. <br />Of the Winter School in the North-east District, taught by a <br />gentleman, one of the Committee, it does not become us, perhaps, <br />here to speak. His great experience and success, as well as your <br />long -reposed confidence in him, render further remark wholly <br />unnecessary. The Summer School, also, appeared to have sus- <br />tained itself. The order was good, and the final examination <br />satisfactory. <br />The School in the North District, taught in summer by a lady <br />always acceptable as a teacher, whose moral influence also, on the <br />school, was most happy ; and in winter by a gentleman of promise, <br />while there was much in it to commend, did not, at all times, <br />exhibit that degree of order, stillness, and attention to studies, <br />