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12 <br />5 times for the Auditors, 2 50 <br />2 for Caucuses, 1 00 <br />Repairs &c., O. W. Kendall, 3 lamp chimneys, 36 <br />3 baskets charcoal $1,00, 1 pitcher 25, 1 25 <br />Repairing settees $1,75, brass fasten- <br />ings $1,50. - - 3 25 <br />8 gallons lamp oil, 6 80 <br />Stationery, - 1 50 <br />Paid Alonzo Goddard for 2 lanterns, 1 38 <br />J. M. Damon, labeling ballot boxes and <br />varnishing $1,00, repairing windows 40, <br />$42 50 <br />1 40 <br />$15 94 <br />Whole expense, <br />Credit. By cash received for use of Hall : <br />For Political Lectures, 7 00 <br />Of the Catholics, - 31 00 <br />Of Concert performers, 27 00 <br />411, <br />Net income of Hall, <br />REPAIRS OF THE HEARSE. <br />Paid O. W. Kendall, 2 days labor, - 3 50 <br />3 journeys to West Cambridge, 1 50 <br />Prescott & Proctor, for broadcloth, doeskin, <br />alpacca and other materials used for the <br />hearse and bier covering, - <br />Wm. Smith, for trimming hearse, making <br />bier covering, new cushions, new patent - <br />leather front, oiling harness, and other <br />repairs, - - 15 00 <br />Damon & Kendall, for painting hearse <br />$8,00, for 4 doz. plated nails 84, - 8 84 <br />A. W. Bryant, repairing shafts and springs, 4 40 <br />For horse hire and altering irons, . - 1 00 <br />$90.66 <br />$58 44 <br />$65 00 <br />58 44 <br />$6 56 <br />13 <br />EXPENSES OF TOWN OFFICERS. <br />Paid A. W. Bryant, Town Clerk, for collecting, <br />recording, and returning a copy to the <br />Secretary of the Commonwealth, 43 <br />births, at 20 cts. - - 8 60 <br />Recording and returning 28 deaths, at 8, 2 24 <br />Recording and returning 10 marriages, at 10, 1 00 <br />Paid postage and express, - 1 16 <br />Attending town -meetings, selectmen meet- <br />ings to draw Jurors, and services as Clerk, 17 00 <br />$30 00 <br />Paid Joel Viles, for 14-1 days' services as one of <br />the selectmen, - 29 00 <br />Attending 23 evening meetings 11 50 <br />$40 50 <br />Paid Isaac N. Damon, 18 days' services as one <br />of the selectmen, - <br />Attending 25 evening meetings, <br />Recording accounts and writing orders <br />and report, - <br />Stationery, postage, and acknowledgement <br />of deed, - - <br />Marshall Preston, for professional services, <br />36 00 <br />12 50 <br />10 00 <br />1 00 <br />2 00 <br />$61 50 <br />Paid Alonzo Goddard, 71- days' services as one of <br />the selectmen, - 15 00 <br />Attending 26 evening meetings, 13 00 <br />$28 00 <br />ASSESSORS. <br />56 42 Paid J. C. Wellington, 27 days' services, - <br />Invoice book 75, collector's book 75, - <br />Record book $12,00, stationery 70, - <br />y; Printing hand bills, - <br />Paid J. S. Parker, 19 days' services, - <br />21 days' horse and wagon, - <br />Postage $2,49, expenses to Boston 56, <br />P. W. Chandler, for legal advice, <br />Paid Charles Brown, 151 days' services, <br />54 00 <br />1 50 <br />12 70 <br />1 00 <br />38 00 <br />5 00 <br />3 05 <br />20 00 <br />$69 20 <br />$66 05 <br />$31 00 <br />