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r <br />8 <br />School in the South District are to be especially commended for <br />their exercise of skill in leading the scholars to comprehend the <br />studies pursued, and for the interest the scholars seemed, con- <br />sequently, to take in their exercises. The teachers also in the <br />Southeast Schools are to be prized for the interest they take <br />in their calling, and for the efforts they make to be faithful. <br />From the manifest improvement made by the teacher of the <br />Grammar School during the past year in skill and in enforcing <br />order, and from the unanimity and support he receives from <br />the district, all springing from his devotion to the school, the <br />Committee anticipate yet better things, for the year to come, <br />from the school, than the last year has produced. <br />Whatever doubt there may be about the propriety of offering <br />prizes for success in any school exercise, on account of unfavor- <br />able moral results, it seems evident that a prize offered to the <br />one who should make most advancement in penmanship in the <br />South Winter School, excited a zeal that led to very marked im- <br />provement in that respect. The writing -books showed that the <br />school had improved more than any other in town in this <br />branch. <br />The Committee would recognize the liberality of the town in <br />its appropriations for common school education. Probably as <br />large a sum is appropriated for instruction as is really needed <br />for that purpose, for the present. Certainly the schools have <br />been kept for as large a portion of the year as the highest good <br />of the child requires. What is more needed, we would repeat, <br />than any thing else now, is that lively interest taken in the <br />studies, and in the docility, orderliness, and respectful manners <br />of their children, by parents, which shall lead them actively to <br />second the efforts of the teacher. In the two village schools <br />especially, as in village schools generally, the latter part of this <br />remark will apply. The Committee have observed in their <br />visits some approach towards pertness, some lack of modest <br />deference, which cannot be corrected by the teacher, if he <br />works alone. The part of a wise parent would seem to be <br />to second all judicious efforts that the teacher may make to <br />correct whatever he may discover that is offensive in a child's <br />demeanor, wherever it may be observed. <br />9 <br />The Committee are convinced that in no other way can a <br />sense of what is proper and becoming in a child's general con- <br />duct and bearing towards his superiors be made so delicate, as <br />by a proper inculcation of his moral and religious obligations <br />by both parent and teacher. They do not suppose the matter <br />has been entirely overlooked, yet they think teachers would do <br />well to observe still more faithfully the law of the State that re- <br />quires all instructors of youth <br />" To exert their best endeavor to impress on the minds of <br />children and youth committed to their care and instruction, the <br />principles of piety, justice, and a sacred regard to truth, love <br />to their country, humanity, and universal benevolence, sobriety, <br />industry, and frugality, and those other virtues which are the <br />ornament of human society, and the basis upon which a repub- <br />lican constitution is founded ; and it shall be the duty of such <br />instructors to endeavor to lead their pupils, as their ages and <br />capacities will admit, into a clear understanding of the tenden- <br />cy of the above-mentioned virtues, to preserve and perfect a re- <br />publican constitution, and secure the blessings of liberty, as <br />well as to promote their future happiness, and also to point out <br />to them the evil tendency of the opposite vices." <br />For the Committee, <br />WILLIAM F. BRIDGE, Secretary. <br />IRA LELAND, School Coma- <br />HOWLAND HOLMES, mittee of <br />WILLIAM F. BRIDGE, <br />Lexington. <br />