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6 <br />7 <br />of the list of Town Schools. Any one at all acquainted with <br />the condition of the several Schools, would not pronounce this <br />an unwarrantable statement, had he been present at the last <br />examination. <br />�►y <br />CENTRE DISTRICT. <br />Two departments are also embraced by this School. The <br />Primary, under the care of Miss Sarah E. Richardson, has <br />given, as the Committee think, entire satisfaction throughout <br />the District. Indeed, few Schools of that grade have so quiet <br />and respectful an appearance, and the Committee are unitedly <br />of the opinion that the lady who has had charge of the School <br />the last year, is peculiarly fitted for the station. <br />With regard to the Grammar School the Committee regret <br />that they cannot speak so encouragingly. A series of misfor- <br />tunes seem to have attended it the past year. Four different <br />Teachers have had charge of it in that time ; and, as a matter <br />of course, it has made no marked degree of progress. Added <br />to the disaster which befell the School soon after its commence- <br />ment, in the sickness of Mr. Whittemore, was his final resigna- <br />tion about the middle of the winter term. Stranger teachers <br />were of course introduced, who could not, from the nature of <br />the case, produce much alteration for the better during the <br />brief period of their labors. Although Mr. Raymond, who <br />kept the winter term out, evidently labored to improve the <br />School, and in the opinion of the Committee did accomplish <br />some good. <br />With all due deference to the District, the Committee would <br />suggest that there be less officious meddling with the interests <br />of the School, and more unanimity of feeling and active sym- <br />pathy in the cause of Education. Respectfully, and in behalf <br />of the School, they would ask for a heartier interest in the la- <br />bors of the teacher, which is not to be suppressed by the in- <br />dulgence craved for restless and malcontent children. With <br />earnestness they request that there may be no repetition of <br />what occurred just previous to the last examination — the with- <br />drawal of a large proportion of the scholars. Unless there is <br />a better reason given for it than we have yet heard, we hope <br />for the honor of the District, and the cause of education, the <br />thing will not be repeated. Let some such obstacles as there <br />are, be removed, and in view of the elegant and commodious <br />school -rooms, and the good material for scholars, we see not <br />why the Centre School should not take a position in the front <br />ranks of our Town Schools. Already we anticipate brighter <br />days for it, when, under the charge of an efficient teacher, sus- <br />tained by the united sympathy of the parents, this School shall <br />answer to the most flattering expectations. <br />Before closing this Report, the Committee would say, that, <br />in view of the liberal appropriation made by the Town for the <br />support of Schools, it becomes the inhabitants to use all due <br />vigilance to see that the intention of the thing is not defeated. <br />An equivalent for the money, as is well known, is characteris- <br />tic of us as a people. By our guilty indifference this may not <br />be obtained, when our alert habit of economy will cry out be- <br />cause of the shameful waste. <br />With regard to the choice of teachers, the Committee are <br />decidedly of the opinion, that the present method of entrusting <br />it to Prudential Committees is not the best. Accordingly, they <br />would recommend that, sooner or later, the thing be left as an <br />experiment, where the law leaves it — in the hands of the Gen- <br />eral Committee. They feel confident that it would remove <br />some of the more serious obstacles in the way of obtaining <br />good teachers. <br />With the sincerest desire that the cause of Common School <br />Education may be promoted by the wisest measures of the <br />Town, this report is respectfully submitted. <br />J. A. COOLIDGE, <br />For the Committee. <br />JOSIAH A. COOLIDGE, School Committee <br />IRA LELAND, of <br />FISKE BARRETT, Lexington. <br />