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10 <br />need enforcement. The opponents of the teacher,however,five <br />or at first, but whose./ been •. / by foment- <br />ing instead of smothering apparent causes of discontent, <br />not willing to rest here. Another district meeting was held on <br />the • of . . • an . 1 <br />Prudential see if <br />the district will instruct the • / dismiss <br />teacher," was discussed, decided in the affirmative, and the <br />vote was communicated to that committee, who, we are hap- <br />py to say, had fully cooperated with us thus far, who refused <br />• to the end, continued to cooperate <br />us. No / •- • to dismiss a teacher <br />of • I district has any right to offer <br />instruc- <br />tions. Legal1 . • been c1 • / . • it wasdeclared <br />/ • • his opinion, • prudential committee. • a right1 <br />teacher,retain a against the wish of the district. We find <br />it <br />almost•/ • I believe,. any legaladviser could so <br />better,terpret the laws pertaining to our school system. Your Com- <br />• it wasour • <br />in consonance own feelings,. / • <br />mittee, in this case, disregarded the above vote of the district. <br />during the week succeedingdistrict meeting, <br />seemeddifficulties to be so great, thatdetermined, <br />course of . few days,I discontinue the school.Meanwhile, <br />mightthat we be more fully satisfied, as to our • <br />far, we consulted . gentleman,• has • 'long <br />engaged of schools,and who, whilst by / <br />his attainments, he adds dignity to the University from <br />benevo- <br />lence of his disposition, also confers unmeasured benefit on <br />institution'1 to his care.heartily•• the <br />course of the Committee, (as the Hon. Secretary of the Board <br />of Education. • • • before • of <br />last determination, to close the school. From this determina- <br />tion, your Committee receded. At a meeting of the select - <br />of the town,to which the Committee' • in con-: <br />sequence of the purpose entertained to close the school, and atwhich meeting the question of the compensation of the teacherwas brought up, the whole matter was again discussed. The <br />m <br />teacher. present,. • declared • at once to <br />re- <br />sign/n, if the charges made against <br />sus- <br />tained before the Committee,invitation, <br />had done before, • Prudential committee,to the <br />disaffected, / bring <br />charges <br />• in presence of the teacher, and, if sustained, we <br />would at once dismiss him. By one of the i / . / of Selectmen, <br />memberof • district,• had acted with the <br />party opposed to the teacher,1 . pronounced <br />invitation,tirely just, and " what was wanted " and the whole Board <br />approved our action. The event proved that it was not " what <br />was wanted" by those most dissatisfied. The only reply to our <br />-/ or heard of, one too insolent to <br />dis- <br />contented were withdrawnfrom 11 and it continued in <br />peace till its close, on the 16th of March, when the examination <br />was creditable • the teacher and scholars. <br />much surprised, that, underadverse <br />progress / been ./•. It was evident that the whole <br />num- <br />berof scholars. participated, profit to <br />historyin the privileges of the school during the whole session. <br />This is the of the difficulties <br />have only a few observations to make, after so full a review of <br />the past. And, in the first place, we repeat, that if the school <br />had been our hands• •'1 the teacherwould have <br />been entirely successful with it, as it was constituted, <br />session. began. His competency, so far as literary acquirements <br />were concerned, was notdenied. • plain <br />therefore,of any difficulties, to refer to those <br />whom the jurisdiction• / abide <br />decision ! But what is to become of schools,• I <br />childrenof 1 r ••'1 by being listened to, and believed <br />just • <br />• I present <br />• / to contend also against . feeling, not to say a <br />againstprejudice, existing in some minds, <br />male teacher. A remark came to the ears of your Committee, <br />which / them to believe in the purpose actually avowed, • <br />discountenance the employmentof male <br />