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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 2t <br />ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way, and <br />accept the layout of as a town way, Woodland Road from Adams Street a distance <br />of approximately 1535 feet as !aid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, <br />and shown upon a plan an file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 10, <br />1951, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or <br />other interest in land necessary therefor; appropriate money for the construction of <br />said Road and for land acquisition, and determine whether the money shall be Pro- <br />vided by the current tax levy, by transfer from available funds or by borrowing, or <br />by any combination of these methods; ar act in any other manner in re- <br />lation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town wilt vote to accept the provisions of Chap- <br />ter 8 of the Acts of 1951, entitled: "An Act Relative to the Fire Department of the <br />Town of Lexington," which places the Fire Department under the control of a <br />Board of Fire Commissioners appointed by the Selectmen. <br />ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will approve the settlement of or will au- <br />thorize the Selectmen to settle claims of the Town for damages arising out of the <br />taking by eminent domain by the Commonwealth for state highway purposes for <br />the new Route 128 of various parcels of land owned by the Town or in which the <br />Town has an interest and claims for damages to other land of the Town resulting <br />from the laying out and constructing of said highway, or act in any other manner in <br />relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will approve the settlement of or will au- <br />thorize the Selectmen to settle claims against the Town for damages arising out of <br />the taking by eminent domain for highway purposes of various parcels of land situ- <br />ated on East Street in Lexington by order of the Middlesex County Commissioners <br />dated January 25, 1946, which claims are now pending as suits against the Town <br />in the Superior Court, Middlesex County; appropriate money for such settlements; <br />and determine whether the money shall be provided by the current tax levy or by <br />transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in <br />any other manner in relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will approve the settlement of or will au- <br />thorize the Selectmen to settle claims against the Town for damages arising out of <br />the taking by eminent domain for highway purposes of parcels of land situated on <br />Grove Street in Lexington by order of the Middlesex County Commissioners dated <br />December 6, 1946, which claims are now pending as suits against the Town in the <br />Superior Court, Middlesex County; appropriate money for such settlements; and <br />determine whether the money shall be provided by the current tax levy or by trans- <br />fer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods: or act in any <br />other manner in relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will authorize and direct the Moderator to <br />appoint a committee of five residents to investigate and study the provisions of <br />Chapter 662 of the Acts of 1949, entitled: "An Act Relative to the Organization <br />of Union Health Departments," for the purpose of determining whether or not it is <br />desirable for Lexington to join with one or more other towns to form a union health <br />department; and to file a report with its findings and recommendations at the next <br />Annual Town Meeting; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Building By -Laws. <br />by adding in Article ill Section 1 the following new paragraph, or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto: <br />28 ANNUAL REPORTS <br />(8) UNAVAILABILITY OF SEWER. If the application is for the erection of <br />▪ dwelling or building which requires sewage disposal facilities on land which has <br />no sanitary sewer available for use, the Inspector shall refer the matter to the Board <br />of Health which shall promptly make or cause to be made an investigation of the <br />tend proposed to be occupied and file a statement with the Inspector certifying <br />whether or not in its opinion the land is of such a character that adeouate sewage <br />disposal facilities can be provided for such dwelling or building by a cesspool or <br />septic tank or other device; and unless such opinion is in the affirmative, the In- <br />spector shall not issue the permit. <br />ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to recommend to the Selectmen <br />t hat they establish a five day work week for the members of the Police Department <br />without reduction in pay; appropriate a sum of money for the cost during 1951 of <br />such additional personnel as will be required in the Police Department by reason of <br />the establishment of a five day work week; and determine whether the money shall <br />be provided by the current tax levy or by transfer from available funds, or by any <br />.combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto, <br />(Inserted at the request of 16 members of the Police Department) <br />ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to accept or refuse to accent the <br />.devise of an undivided one-half interest in the land and buildings at 28 Spring <br />Street, Lexington, subject to the payment by the Town of the sum of $500.00, as <br />provided in the will of Angelena F, Remick, late of Lexington, Middlesex Probate, <br />Docket No, 299689, ar act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will authorize the School Committee, on <br />behalf of the Town to obtain bids and enter into a contract or contracts for the <br />construction and original equipping and furnishing of a new High School building, <br />on land acquired by the Town for school purposes in June 1946, in accordance <br />with all or any part or parts of the plans and specifications that were presented <br />under Article 37 of the Warrant for the } 949 Annual Town Meeting or as said <br />plans and specifications may be altered or as omissions may be made therein; ap- <br />propriate a sum of money for such purposes; determine whether the money shall be <br />provided by the current tax levy, by transfer from available funds or by borrowing, <br />or by any combination of these methods; and authorize and direct the Moderator <br />to appoint a building committee to proceed with and supervise such construction, <br />.equipping and furnishing; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on <br />.behalf of the Town, to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for <br />school and playground purposes, and for any other public purposes, or any one or <br />any combination of such purposes, a parcel of land comprising 15.2 acres more or <br />less, together with any rights of way or other rights appurtenant or appropriate <br />thereto, believed to belong to Kelchester Realty Trust, situated westerly of Lowell <br />Street and northwesterly of Maple Street in Lexington, the approximate boundaries <br />of which are shown on a plan on file in the office of the Town Engineer and avail- <br />able for inspection; appropriate a sum or sums of money for such land acquisition; <br />and determine whether such money shall be provided by the current tax levy, by <br />transfer from available funds or by borrowing, or by any combination of these <br />.methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto, <br />ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on <br />behalf of the Town, to' purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for <br />school and playground purposes, and for any other public purposes, or any one or <br />,any combination of such purposes, the following parcels of land in Lexington, to- <br />gether with any rights of way or other rights appurtenant or appropriate thereto; <br />