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TOWN OF LEXI NGTON 27 <br />1950; 2) That the partition walls adjacent to the furnace oreo should be ap· <br />p ropriotely fire-proofed in the manner dete rmined by the Building Inspector; <br />3) That not more than 10 children be accommodated. <br />May 26-lrving Currier for Countryside, Inc. <br />To: Erect o two-cor lubritorium, to be attached to the present filling station at 4 00 <br />Lowell Street. Granted subject to the following conditions: I) That no signs <br />shall be placed on the property except with approval of the Building Inspector; <br />21 That the premises shall be kept in o neat and orderly condition and in good <br />repair at all times; 3) That no floodlights shall be installed in addition to those <br />being used at the present time; 4 ) Thot there shall be no st orage of supplies or <br />containers outside the building; 5} T hat the b uilding shall be completed in <br />one year from dote of this permit. <br />Moy 26-E. F. DeSo nie <br />T o: Bui ld o tool house o t 90 Spring Street one foot f rom the lot line. Denied . <br />Moy 26-Fronk A . N a poli <br />To : Erect on addi t io n to t he present roadsid e stand situated on Marrett Road and <br />t o ope rate t he stand until Ju ne 1, 195 0 for the sa le of farm and po u lt ry prod · <br />ucts raised on t he petitioner's form s itua t ed on Marrett Road a nd M idd le <br />Street , Lexi ngton. Granted. <br />May 26-Luro M . Teeter <br />T o: Remove f rom permission granted by t he Boord of Ap peals t o use the buildi ng, <br />located a t 4 63 Concord Avenue, os a two-fam ily house the condi t ion that It <br />could be so used only du ring the occu pancy of one o f the a partments by <br />Charles E. Teeter, Jr., his wife, and the survivors of them. Granted provided <br />t hat not more t han two families occupy the building. <br />June 16-Dr. Anthony E. Colozzi <br />T o : Make alterations and additions to the existing dwelling and to ma intain on <br />office for t he practice of medicine at 1444 Massachusetts Avenue. Grant ed. <br />June 16-Aiden W. Weimar <br />To : Erect o dwelling and go roge on Lots 75, 76 and 77 H enderson Rood, said <br />lots having o f rontage on Henderson Rood of 91 .4 1 feet. Granted. <br />June 16-Suson A. Spence r <br />T o: Establish o funera l home at 52 Walt ham Street. De nied. <br />June 16-Edword Berman <br />To: In stall t wo neon signs, two feet wide, on th e package store at 12 Massochu· <br />setts Avenue. G ranted subject to t he condition that on each of the two s igns, <br />only the wo rd, "Berman's" shall appear in neon-illuminated lights. <br />J u ly 7-Worre n E. Russell <br />T o : Erect, at 15 W oburn Street, o dwe lling a nd garage the construction of whic h <br />wo uld not conform t o the require ment s of the Lexington Build ing By -low . <br />Granted su b ject t o specific condi ti ons coverin g the construction . <br />J uly 7-J ohn F. Moyer <br />To : Erect a dwe ll ing and ga rage on Lo ts 17 and 18 in Block 2 2 Gleason Roo d , <br />said lots having a t otal f rontage of 60 feet on G leason Rood . Grant ed. <br />28 ANNUAL REPORTS <br />July 7--Guy E. Reed, Jr., and Marjorie S. Reed <br />To: Erec t o garage at 2 Berwick Rood 9Yl fee t from the existing dwelling and <br />7!12 feet from the reor lot line. Granted. <br />July 14-Lowrence W . Sharpe <br />T o: Erect o dwelling and garage on Lot 14, Lot I4A, Lot IS and o portion of Lot <br />16 N ichols Rood, said lots having o total frontage of 67.50 feet on Nichols <br />Rood. Granted. <br />August 4 -Leeland G. McConchie <br />To: Erect a single-family dwelling and attached garage on Lots 4, 5 and 6 Nowe rs <br />Rood, said lots having o combined frontage of I 00 feet on Nowers Rood and <br />a combined area of 7224 sq uare feet, ond to erect o single-fam ily dwell in g <br />and attached ga rage on Lots 7, 8 and 9 N owers Rood, these lo ts ha vi ng a <br />total frontage of 11 0.46 feet on N owers Rood and o combined area of 7 8 0 0 <br />square fee t , in accordance w ith plot pions submitted. <br />T o: Erect o s ingle-famil y dwell ing and attached garage on Lots I, 2 a nd 3, said <br />lo t s having o t otal frontage of 78.49 feet on Bloke Rood a nd o total frontage <br />of 1 13 .93 feet on Nowe rs Rood, and o combined a rea of 924 8 square feet , <br />a nd to erect a single-fa mil y dwelling and attached garage on Lots 2 4 , 25 and <br />26 Blake Road, these lots having o total frontage ot approxi mately 1 19 .8 feet <br />on Bl ake Roo d, and a combined a rea c f 9670 square feet, in accordance wi th <br />p lot plans submitted. <br />T here was a brief recess by agreement of the oppos ing parties concerned with <br />these petitions, after which counsel for the petitioner moved to amend the two <br />petitions so os to request permission to erect three single-family dwellings and <br />attached garages on Lots 1, 2, 3, 24, 25 and 26 Bloke Rood and Lots 4 , 5, 6, 7, <br />8, 9 Nowers Rood , together with the portions of Lot 10 on Nowers Rood and Lot <br />23 on Bloke Rood, all according to a new plan to be presented showing the new <br />lot lines, which plan was first to be submi tted to the attorney far some of the <br />opposing parties for his approval and then to be mode port of the record of the <br />proceed ings. Counsel for several of the opposing parties stated that he agreed <br />to the amendment and no one appeared in opposit ion to the amended petition. <br />T he petition was granted os follows : To erect three single-family dwellings os per <br />plan f iled on these proceedings, doted August 1949, G. B. Northrup, C. E. show- <br />ing three lots designated os Lot J, Lot K and Lot L. <br />August 4-Jenney Mfg . Co. <br />To: Const ruct a two-cor lubritorium at 384 Waltham Street . Granted. <br />August 4-Ru sse ll F. Morash <br />T o: Erect o sin gle-family dwelling the construction of which would not confo rm <br />t o t he requi rements of the Lexington Building By-low at 120 School Street . <br />Grant ed. <br />August IS-Frederick L. Doyle <br />T o: Erect o s ign and adve rtise real estate fro m the petitioner's hom e ot 620 <br />Ma ssachu setts Ave nue. Den ied. <br />August 18-J oseph M . Pecoraro <br />T o: Erect o si ngle-fam ily dwelling and garage on Lo t 30 and a portion of Lot 3 1 <br />Formcrest A venue, said lots having o to ta l frontage o f 85 fee t . Gran ted.