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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 21 <br />replacement and strengt hening may well go on annually over the <br />next ten years. <br />We are not asking for any new trunk sewer constructio n in 1950 <br />(except a few hundred feet under relocated Route 128) but in <br />1951 the advisabi lity or need of c onstructing a further section o f <br />the new Munroe low leve l sewer is a dist inct probability. 1950 <br />should see much of the Farmcrest area and some of the Fair Oaks <br />area connected to the mun icipa l sewer. <br />At the November Town Meeting the following streets were <br />accepted: Liberty Av enue, Ledgelawn Avenue, Hamilton Road, <br />Braemo re T e rra ce and part of H illside Terrace. Actual construc- <br />tion of these will be don e in early 1950. The Board of Selectmen <br />is pl e a sed when residents of unaccepted streets petition for accept- <br />ance. Well paved s treets contribute to a better looking and better <br />kept community. <br />The relocation of Ro ute 128 has now been officially made and <br />actual constructio n is in sight as bids have been received by the <br />state for the po rti on of the Route that lies in Lexington . The <br />contract is t o be let within a f e w weeks. T he effect of this new <br />turn pi ke should be evidenced and felt in many ways-deve lopment <br />of new home areas, streets, traffic, etc. <br />Transportation to and from the o utlying and rapid ly developing <br />areas of the Town is now a subject of major impo rtance and dis- <br />cussion. Your Board in 1949 granted a permit to t lie Lovell Bus <br />Lines, Inc . to operate over Pleasant Street to Watertown Street, <br />over Watertown St reet to t he intersecti on of Watertown Street and <br />the Cambridge-Concord H ighway in both d irections as part of a <br />throug h route to Harvard Square. <br />The Board has p resently under consideration a bus route in <br />both directi ons from the intersection of Massachusetts Av e nue and <br />Grant Street, over Grant Street to East Street, over East Street to <br />Adams Street over Adams Street to North Street, over North Street <br />to Burlingto ~ Street to Simonds Road, over Simonds Road to <br />Gleason Road and over Dexte r Road to Fuller Road, over Fuller <br />Road to Gleason Road, over Gleason Road to Simonds Road in one <br />direction . The Board a lso has just received a widely signed petition <br />for a bus route ove r Oak Street, via Oak Street, Baker Avenue and <br />Toft Avenue to the corner of Massachusetts and Taft Avenues in <br />both directions. This p eti tion has been referred to the Planning <br />Board for preliminary repo rt. <br />22 ANNUAL REPORTS <br />The Lincoln Street T own dump is a vexatious problem which <br />is also becoming increasingly expensive. Due to many complaints <br />received, the Board felt it advisable in the early Fall to inaugurate <br />a new policy there with reference t o the d is posal of rubbish . Al- <br />though the new technique of handling the dump is more expensive, <br />prelimi nary resu lts ind icate that a definite improvement has been <br />made. <br />In conclusion we should like to make the foll owing observations: <br />1) The management of the T own, because of its growth, is <br />becoming a more arduous problem. In order to do the necessary <br />work with a voluntary personnel, ei ther elected or appointed, it is <br />essential that our citizens be wi lling to devote some time to the <br />T own if so requested. <br />2) We, as your Board of Selectmen, welcome suggestions and <br />inquiries from any citizen or any ,group with reference to any <br />municipal matter under our jurisdiction. <br />3) The citizens as a Whole are indebted t o their fellow neigh- <br />bors who, as employees in ou r Public W orks Department, work <br />cheerfully in all weather night or day as the need may be, to keep <br />our streets open and sanded in the winter and the water, sewer and <br />other facilities functioning without interruption for the Town's wel - <br />fare throughout the yea r. <br />Information or Complaints <br />GEORGE W. EME RY <br />WILLIAM H. DRISCOLL <br />LEWIS L. HOYT <br />FREDERICK M. GAY <br />DONALD E. NICKERSON <br />Boord of Selectmen <br />De partment and Telephone Number <br />(Tel. LExington 9-0500 connecting all <br />Departments unless otherwise indicat- <br />ed.) <br />Highways ............................................ Public W orks, Emergency, <br />LEx ington 9 -1 618 <br />Water-Bills, services, mains con nee-Public Works, Emergency, <br />tions ................................. ............... LExington 9 -161 8 <br />Sewer-Services, mains ...................... Public W o rks, Emergency, <br />LE xi ngton 9 -161 8 <br />Garbage Collection .............................. Public Wo rks <br />Street Lights ........................................ Public Works <br />Street Signs .......................................... Pub lic W orks <br />Overflowing Cess pools .......................... Boord of H ealth <br />Unauthorized dumping .................. ...... Boord of H ealth