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REPORT OF TOWN CLERK 45 <br />FIRST ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING <br />Held March 15, 1937 <br />The meeting was called to order by the Moderator, <br />Robert H. Holt, at 8:05 P. M. <br />There were 182 Town Meeting Members present. <br />George M. Fuller states he has a resolution to present <br />to the meeting, asking permission, reading same as follows: <br />Voted : That the Moderator be appointed a commit- <br />tee of one to transmit the following resolution : <br />Whereas, There is pending before the Congress of <br />the United States a bill submitted to it by the President, <br />seeking a reorganization of the Judicial Department of <br />the Government of the United States ; and <br />Whereas, A part of that bill would empower the <br />Executive Department of the United States to domi- <br />nate the Judicial Department by the appointment of <br />additional judges to the Supreme Court; and <br />Whereas, The domination of one branch of the <br />government by another is contrary to the fundamental <br />concept of American Government now, therefore, be it <br />Ordered, That it is the sense of the Citizens of <br />Lexington in Town Meeting assembled to hereby record <br />its opposition to o the enactment by the Congress of the <br />United States of any legislation which would give the <br />President authority to appoint additional judges to the <br />Supreme Court; and be it further <br />Ordered, That certified copies of this order be <br />transmitted forthwith by the Moderator to the Presi- <br />46 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />dent of the United States, to the presiding officer of <br />each branch of Congress and to the members thereof <br />from this Commonwealth. <br />Eugene T. Buckley objects to the resolution being pre- <br />sented to the Town Meeting Members. <br />Eugene T. Buckley states no provision made in warrant <br />for the resolution. George M. Fuller states presenting same <br />under Article 2 or reports. <br />George M. Fuller offers motion : That the Moderator <br />be appointed a cornmittee of one to transmit the resolution. <br />Eugene T. Buckley asks for point of order. <br />Moderator rules meeting in order. <br />William Roger Greeley asks what the duties of the com- <br />mittee will be. <br />Eugene T. Buckley moves the motion be indefinitely <br />postponed. <br />By voice vote indefinite postponement declared lost <br />8 :12 P. M. <br />Request made George M. Fuller read resolution again. <br />George M. Fuller reads resolution second time. <br />Moderator Robert H. Holt reads motion, which was put <br />to a vote, b3ing declared carried by voice vote at 8:18 P. M. <br />Under Article 2 A. Edward Rowse, Chairman of Ap- <br />propriation Committee, presents Appropriation Committee <br />Report for 1937 as follows : <br />REPORT OF THE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE <br />FOR 1937 <br />Ening this report with you to the Annual Town Meeting, <br />Monday, March lath, at 8:00 P. M. <br />In accordance with Section 4, Article 13 of the Revised <br />By -Laws of the Town, the Appropriation Committee sub- <br />mits the following report to the voters of the Town. <br />Since the March Town Meeting of 1936, the Appropria- <br />tion Committee has met monthly for consideration and <br />