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REPORT OF TOWN CLERK 121 <br />Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the <br />Selectmen to transfer the balance in the Pinewood Road and <br />Belfry Terrace sewer construction account. to the Sewer As- <br />sessment Fund. <br />Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the <br />sum of .$1,000.00 from the Westview Cemetery Sade of Lots <br />Fond to the account for maintenance of Westview Cemetery. <br />And you are directed to serve This Warrant seven days at <br />least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By - <br />Laws of the Town. <br />Hereof, fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, <br />with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, 011 or before tae, <br />time of said meeting. <br />(liven under our hands, at Lexington, this seventh day of <br />October, A.D., 1935. <br />CTIARLE5 E. IFERCuSON <br />JOHN E. (iIi.REA'-T <br />Joiix A. Lvoxs <br />1Vrraanal G. 1'(n'Tlelr <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />October 13, 1935, <br />To THE TOWN CLERK : <br />1 have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting <br />printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office, in <br />the vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public <br />places in the Town, and by mailing a. printed Copy of the sartle <br />to every registered voter in the Town seven days before the <br />time of said meeting. <br />Attest, <br />'ATRICI J. <br />Constable of Lexington. <br />122 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />SPECIAL TOWN MEETING <br />OCTOBER 21, 1935 <br />Meeting was called to order at S :12 P. M., by Moderator <br />Robert H. Holt. <br />One hundred thirty -lour Town Meeting Members were pres- <br />ent. <br />Town Clerk James J. Carroll read the Warrant until fur- <br />ther rea.(ling was unanimously voted waived. <br />The Town CIerk read the Constable's return of the War- <br />rant. <br />Selectman Mr. Ferguson moved to take up Article One. <br />Under Article 1 Mr. E. B. Worthen presented a report of <br />the Committee for the location of the German Field Piece as <br />follows: <br />October 21, 1933. <br />TO THE HONORABLE, <br />THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br />LEXINGTON, M1ss. <br />Gentlemen: <br />The Committee, appointed at the Annual Town Meeting <br />in March 1934, to suggest and report on a suitable location <br />for the captured German Field Piece report as follows: <br />We are unanimous in recommending that the field piece <br />be placed in the woods at Tower Park on the most southerly of <br />the two knolls which face toward Massachusetts Avenue. <br />