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REPORT OF TOWN CLERK <br />115 <br />activities in the Town unless duly passed upon by the Board <br />of Appeals and judged by it to be not detrimental to the wel- <br />fare of the Town or its inhabitants. <br />It may be argued that the owner of a piece of land has the <br />right to dispose of materials derived from it, as long as the act <br />of removing such materials is within the law and not obnox- <br />ious to the neighborhood in whicl► it is located. But it is ob- <br />vious that in whatever degree the land itself is depleted of <br />valuable components, by so much is its value for future use, <br />and its value as taxable property, destroyed. It is the responsi- <br />bility of public officials to see that the assets of the Town are <br />not willfully depreciated. The removal of valuable material in <br />any form, whether or not for private gain, which is not re- <br />placed by property of equal or greater value, is surely a loss to <br />the Town as a whole and can therefore be regarded only with <br />disapproval. <br />However, the Board feels that the removal of sod does not <br />appropriately come within this category, and recommends that <br />the necessary steps be taken toward removing the word "sod" <br />from the proposed amendment. <br />The Planning Board therefore recommends the adoption of <br />this amer►dment to the Zoning By -Law, provided that the word <br />"sod" be deleted. <br />J. HENRY 1)UFFY <br />EDWARD W. KIMBALL <br />LESTER F. ELT.Is <br />SHELDON A. ROBINSON <br />ROLAND B. GREELEY <br />Lexington Planning Board. <br />July 22, 1935 <br />General discussion from various speakers. <br />Mr. E. Partridge moves for indefinite postponement. <br />Main motion for indefinite postponement. Carried Unan- <br />imously 9:31 P. M. <br />Article 29. Under Article 29, Selectman Mr. Ferguson <br />moves for indefinite postponement. Carried Unanimously 9:32 <br />P. M. <br />116 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />Article 22, Selectman Mr. Ferguson moves to take up <br />Article 22. <br />Mr. T. L. Tischer of the School Committee and High <br />h <br />School Accommodations Committee offered the following: <br />Toted: Titat the Board of Selectmen be authorized in the <br />name of and on behalf of the town to take by eminent domain <br />Plot I3 and an adjoining parcel of land known as the .John E. <br />Mulliken property as shown on a plan of the Mulliken Estate <br />so-called, as a site for a future school. building and for other <br />appropriate school purposes, and for a park, playground or rec- <br />reation center, said p tr'ce1 of laud being bounded and described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a point in the northwesterly side line of <br />Waltham Street, said point being south 55° 22(}' west and dis- <br />tant (;.28 feet from an angle point in said noxihwesterly side <br />line of ll:althanr Street, said point of beginning being in the <br />dividing line between the properties of Mulliken and Ryder; <br />thence running northwesterly along said dividing line about <br />8t18 feet to a point; thence running northeasterly abort 573 feet <br />to a point; thence running southeasterly about 623 feet to a <br />stone bound ; thence running southwesterly along a brook <br />about 119 feet to a point; thence running southwesterly about <br />387 feet to a. point; thence running soutl►ea:sterly 235.47 feet <br />to a point: in the northwesterly side line of 1Valtltarn Street; <br />thence running southwesterly along said northwesterly side <br />line of Waltham Street by two courses 1.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning, containing abort 8.4 acres. <br />And Further, That the town appropriate and transfer <br />from the Excess a.nd Deficiency Account the stun of Five Hun- <br />dred ($500.) for the above purpose.. <br />Explanation by Mr. Fischer. <br />lIr•. Rowse, Chairman, Appropriation Committee stated <br />Appropriation opposer), stating more definite information de- <br />sired. air. Rowse offering a motion for indefinite postpone- <br />ment. <br />Mr. Emmons of Tat -payer's Association stated the Asso- <br />ciation in opposition at 1.1►is time. <br />11r. Wrightington, Town Counsel, asks it' the Committee <br /> been disehargud, it so, the sane Committee be re -appointed <br />for further investigation. <br />