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REPORT OF TOWN CLERK <br />107 <br />Article 16—Public Welfare 20,000.00 <br />Article 17—Forest Fires 400.00 <br />Article 18—Soldiers' Relief 1,500.00 <br />Article 19—Lowell Street Drainage 2,000.00 <br />Article 20—Highway and Park Department unpaid <br />bill of 1929 - 1930 908.60 <br />Article 21—Police Department 1934 Bill 22.75 <br />Article 26—Highway Construction, Pleasant and <br />Watertown Streets 1.000.00 <br />Article 28 — Cary Memorial Library 1.000.00 <br />Total <br />$43,678.87 <br />At the time of the last meeting of the committee on July <br />nth the Town Accountant reported the amount in Excess and <br />Deficiency as .$90,043.62 with additions to be made of $990.31 <br />or a total of ,?91,033.93. The Town Accountant reported the un- <br />paid Real Estate and Personal Taxes for 1934 as $,49,188.64. <br />The amount of available funds hi the Excess and Deficiency <br />Account is the difference between the amount in the account <br />and the unpaid taxes for prior years and therefore the amount <br />of funds available for the use of the town is $41,845.29. it is <br />recommended that two transfers be made to Excess and De- <br />ficiency, one in the amount of $7,740.12 and the other in the <br />amount of $946.68. After these two amounts are added the <br />total amount available for use in Excess and Deficiency will <br />be $50,532.09. <br />Tinder Article 2 a transfer is approved from the Sewer As- <br />sessment Fund of $500.00. The Accountant reported a balance <br />in that fund on July 11th of $843.55. <br />Under Articles 4 and 10 transfers are approved from the <br />Water Department Available Surplus Account in a total <br />amount of $180.95. The Town Accountant reported a balance <br />in that fund on July 11th of $1,163.51. <br />This report is presented for the consideration of the voters <br />of the town and in conclusion the Appropriation Committee <br />would state that it has given most careful study to the town <br />108 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />finances and believes that the transfers as approved can be <br />made from the surplus revenue without injury to the town. <br />Respectfully- submitted, <br />A. Ei v,irn, RowsE, <br />Chairman. <br />HASKE.LL REED <br />GEORGE 11'. BUTTERS <br />HAROLD G. dna}WEN <br />RAYMOND L. 11'rrr1E <br />A. W. RucKER <br />A. RANDALL SODERBER.G <br />GEORGE H. HxrcEs <br />Appropriation Committee of the Town of Lexington. <br />Lexington, Massachusetts. <br />July 15th, 1935. <br />Article 2. Selectman Mr. Ferguson offers the following <br />motion. <br />Voted: That the Seleclmen- be authorized to install a sew- <br />er in Blake Avenue subject to the assessment of betterments, <br />and to take by Eminent Domain the necessary easements there- <br />for, and for the purpose of said sewer construction the sunt of <br />'500. be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund. Carried <br />Unanimously 8:20 P. M. <br />Article 3. Selectman illy. Ferguson oilers the following mo- <br />tion. <br />Voted : That the Selectmen be authorized to install a street <br />light. on Prevniont Street. Carried Unanimously 8:21 P. M. <br />Article 4. Selectman Mr, Ferguson oilers the following mo- <br />tion. <br />Voted: 'That the suer of $25.00 be transferred from the <br />Nater Maintenance Account, to par the necessary expenses of <br />the Supt. of the Wafer Dept. incurred outside the Common- <br />wealth in securing information upon ivalters in which the Town <br />is interested or which may tend to improve the service in the <br />