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REPORT OF TOWN CLERK <br />Town Office and Cary Memorial Building $58.82 <br />Snow Removal 29.01 <br />Highway Maintenance 66-70 <br />Parks and Playgrounds 27.55 <br />or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />21 <br />Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br />money to complete the construction of Pleasant and Water- <br />town Streets to the new Concord Avenue Turnpike, a distance <br />of approximately 2600 feet, under Chapter 90 of the General <br />Laws, and nmendmernts. <br />Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br />money to construct Lincoln Street, from illarrett Road in a <br />northeasterly direction a distance of 3600 feet, under Chapter <br />90 of the General Laws, and amendments. <br />Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to establish the <br />compensation of the Collector of Taxes, Town Clerk and Town <br />Treasurer. <br />Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br />money for a compressor for the use of the Highway Depart- <br />ment. <br />Article 26, To see if the Town will vote to establish a new <br />account to be called Water Department, Stock Account, and <br />appropriate money for said account by transfer from other <br />funds. <br />Article 27. To sec if the Town will vote to install water <br />mains in the following nrâ–ºaccepted streets, subject to the as- <br />sessment of betterments, and to take by eminent. domain the <br />necessary easement therefor: <br />Pinewood Road, from the present end, to Pollen Road, <br />a distance of approximately 360 feet; <br />Summit Road, from the present end, a distance of ap- <br />proximately 250 feet; <br />Blake Road, from Nichols Road to a point beyond <br />Nowers Road, a distance of approximately 1500 feet, <br />and provide funds for said installation by direct appropriation <br />and by transfer from other funds. <br />22 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />Article 2S. To see if the Town will vote 1:o install water <br />mains in the following accepted streets: <br />Massachusetts Avenue, from Child's Garage to Pleas- <br />ant Street, a distance of approximately 1700 feet; <br />Redford Street, from Elm Avenue to Tewksbury <br />Street. a distance of approximately 2075 feet: <br />and provide funds for said installation by direct appropria- <br />tion, by tr.nisfer, or by issue of bonds or notes therefor. <br />Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to install water <br />mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may he ap- <br />plied for during the year 1935 in accordance with authority <br />contained in the By -)Caws of the Town. subject to the assess- <br />ment of betterments, and to take by eminent domain the nec- <br />essary easement therefor, and appropriate money for said in- <br />stallation of rains by direct appropriation and by transfer <br />from other funds. <br />Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to establish a new <br />account to be called Sewer Department. Stock Account, and ap- <br />propriate money for said Account. <br />Article al. 1'o see if the Town will vote to transfer from <br />other fund` or appropriate additional money fop the Trunk <br />Line Sower Aeconnt. <br />Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the <br />construction of a trunk line sewer extending from the Boston <br />S. Maine R. R. at the Arlington T.ine northeasterly o distance <br />of approximately 1600 feet to a point jest easterly of Rindge <br />Avenue, and provide funds for said installation by direet ap- <br />propriation, by the issue of bonds or notes or otherwise. <br />Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the <br />Selectmen to install sewers in the following aeeepted and un- <br />accepted streets. subject to the assessment of betterments, and <br />to take by Eminent Domain the necessary- easements therefor : <br />Blake Avenue. from Edgewood Road to Wadman Cir- <br />cle, a distance of approximately 185 feet; <br />Wadman Circle, from Blake Ave. to end, a distance <br />of approximately 200 feet; <br />